process of applying for nursing school, which adds even more on to my plate. However, now that we are in week 2 of the quarter, I seem to be getting back into the school mindset. Everything in the syllabus and the course requirements seems straightforward I have marked all the due dates out in my planner so I can stay organized and on top of all my work. I enjoyed the movie The Waiting Room much more than I thought I would this week. It was really eye opening to see the hurdles some people must overcome in order to get medical…
They are being used by certain states to medicalize executions in order to make them more palatable to the American public and to prevent capital punishment from being declared unconstitutional because it is “cruel and unusual punishment.” Legislating that physicians must be present at executions uses these physicians as pawns or means in order to legitimize capital punishment. This not only violates the rights of these physicians but violates the basic ethical principles of the medical…
Robertson’s article discusses the use of PGD for non-medical uses. One non-medical use he goes over is for perfect-pitch selection and how it satisfies the conditions of a permissible action. Two conditions/ questions we should ask ourselves regarding perfect-pitch selection being permissible is that if the parents have the best intentions. For instance, are the parents going to focus on the child’s musical talent and not let the child have a life outside of music? Yet, Robertson believes…
normative ethics theory whereby the ends justify the means; in other words, the consequence of an action justifies the moral acceptability of an action of the means taken to reach that end. It provides criteria and rules for moral evaluation and decision making. In the situation of a moral dilemma, consequentialism is a form of guidance that makes a person choose an action that creates the maximum amount of good. The rightness or wrongness of an action is irrelevant, because it is the overall…
According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2015), Medical ethics refers to interdisciplinary field of study and practice that seeks to specifically comprehend the values of undergirding decisions and actions in the healthcare. Health research and policy aim to grant guidance for action when these values conflict. Runzhemer J.MD and Larsen L.J 2011, argues that medical ethics are the guidelines and behaviors that medical professionals with moral integrity exhibit. Ethics is therefore…
permission. (Rollin, 2006). Veterinarians being the physicians of animals, approach animals with greater intimacy and confer roles of sickness as well treatment plans onto the animal. Using their medical advice, a vet can convince an owner to make a decision in their pet’s best interest. This is when a veterinarian needs to use Kant’s categorical imperative and fulfill their duty as an advocate for the pet, since an animal is unable to communicate. Kantian ethics focuses on doing the right…
In chapter 13, it introduces the four principles of medical ethics. The four principles include; beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice. Beneficence is the obligation of health care providers to health people who are in need. Nonmaleficence is the duty of a provider to do no harm and autonomy is the right of the patients to make choices regarding their own health care. Finally, justice is the concept of treating everyone in a fair manner. (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2012). A key…
Another key aspect of professionalism I am going to discuss is medical ethics, Beauchamp and Childress’ four principles of biomedical ethics is the commonly used framework when discussing medical ethics. The four principles include, Respect for Autonomy, beneficence, non -maleficence and Justice. ((Beauchamp and Childress, 2001) According to Saint Joseph’s university, autonomy refers to the right of a patient to retain control over his or her body. (Joseph, 2017). When dealing with patient and…
D. (2015). What is it to do good medical ethics? Minding the gap(s). Journal of Medical Ethics, 41(1), 60. In this article, the spiritual behaviors of medical ethics are incline to differ from more materialistic methods by stressing limitations on self-directed decision-making, by more certainly valuing the familiarity of suffering, and by drawing on beliefs and standards that go beyond empiric authentication. Also in this article, it traces the impact of several differences of some of the…
Medical Animal Testing People have their own beliefs as to whether medical animal testing is beneficial or not. Animal testing is a sensitive subject for most people and they automatically disagree with it because of the inhumane way they treat animals. One problem is that animal testing in many people’s eyes is not ethically right. Scientists test on animals and inject them with the infection to try to find a cure for the disease. If the scientists inject two rats with the same disease and…