In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and Machiavelli’s The Prince, deception is a tool that one uses to gain a personal advantage. Despite the negative connotation that is typically associated with deception, Twelfth Night and The Prince demonstrate how deception can bring a positive outcome. If one employs a deceptive appearance under necessary circumstances, the end result must be justifiable, even when a majority of people are willingly deceived. Characterized by her beauty and resourcefulness, Viola is the most blatant embodiment of deception in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Altering her appearance in order to ensure her safety, Viola seeks help from a sea captain to obscure her identity: “Conceal me what I am, and be my aid / For such disguise as haply shall become / The form of my intent” (1.3.53-55). Viola…
verse,“I am the vine, you are the branches”, from John 15:5 for the foundation of this section. He begins Chapter 15: Formed for God’s Family, by introducing the reader to Hebrews 2:10a which says “God is the One who made all things, and all things are for His glory. He wanted to have many children share His glory.” In the beginning when God created Adam and Eve God formed a plan for His people to glorify Him. The crazy thing is that we all were formed by God but we aren’t all born as God’s…
In Andre Dubus’s rough, unadulterated memoir “Townie”; he accounts in detail of the despair and violence that emerges from a childhood of poverty and parental absence. Dubus speaks of his main conflict, an internal one that tempts him, which is the power of violence and its hold on him and his struggle to break free. He speaks of violence, his desire to hurt someone, yet he rarely resorts to the actual act. When he does, however, he reacts full force, flat out, no holds barred. The author…
Good communication in relationships is one of the biggest virtues and it is something every couple, marriage, and family should desire to obtain. The mentioning of the word “relationships” means thing such as friendships, dating, marriage, parents and child, and any other situation that requires two individuals talking and getting to know one another. This chapter focuses more on relationships like marriage, cohabitation, and family (parents and children). It is crazy to imagine how the perfect…
Both women are beautiful and proud to the point where it becomes difficult to even distinguish the two from one another. The only obvious difference to be seen is that they both come from different social…
Some of these impacts are still in affect to this day. Jesus was one who was mentioned throughout the letter. King explain how he was a hero of joining together with the power of love. “ ‘Love you enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you’ ” (par 27). Jesus was and still is considered a hero because he showed people why we should all love one another. Jesus went to the extent to show us why we should love…
meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” (p. 43) There is not much more to add to that quote, Morrie simply states and puts emphasis on what is truly important in life and that meaningless things are a waste of time. Anything that is a passion of yours, is helping the world become a better place or is building up significant relationships is what…
The life of a military significant other is one ever so admired. Many people think this is absolutely something that they’d love, to be in a relationship with a soldier; others, wouldn’t ever dream of it. Though, many look upon it as such a romantic life style. Well, news flash, it’s a royal pain in the ass. You can go days, weeks, sometimes even months without having the chance to speak to one another. So many that are in this lifestyle, though they may hate it, they love it. They all know that…
BASE, Ca) - NightThe car stops, Florentina, Sage, and Shane get out of the car, waiting in front of a big sanctuary, in the middle of a desert, outside Los Angeles.FLORENTINAThis is the place.Shane is nervous and turns white.SHANEWhat if I just walk away?FLORENTINAThis goes beyond the rent money you owe me back at the apartments. Nothing personal, but our lives are in danger, and if you walk away, you won't see another day alive.SHANEWhat if this is all a mistake?FLORENTINAI'll give you one…
mind. At first glance, this play might just seem like another generic work detailing about romantic endeavors, yet the true meaning lies deep in the ink bound pages, almost. Cariani writes, “there is no need to sentimentalize the material; just let it be what it is—a play about real people who are dealing with the toughest thing here is to deal with: love. Honor the ache and play the pain(but keep most of it covered)” (On Characterization, p. 77-78). The theme is resonated across the several…