In 1838 Charles Wheatstone’s research demonstrated that the brain processes the different two-dimensional images from each eye into a single object of three dimensions. Viewing two side by side stereoscopic images or photos through a stereoscope. In 1929 Edward Link created the “Link trainer” probably the first example of a commercial flight simulator. US military bought six of these devices for $3500. In 2015 money this was just shy of $50 000. In the mid 1950s cinematographer Morton Heilig developed the Sensorama which was an arcade-style theatre cabinet that would stimulate all the senses, not just sight and sound. It featured stereo speakers, a stereoscopic 3D display, fans, smell generators and a vibrating chair. Morton Heilig’s next…
In the article Superman to the Rescue: Simulating Physical Invulnerability Attenuates Exclusion-Related Interpersonal Biases (Ackerman, Bargh, & Huan, 2013) Julie Huan, Joshua Ackerman, and John Bargh set up a number of studies including a pre-test, study one, study two, and study three to demonstrate the relation between physical invulnerability simulation and positive or negative reactions to being excluded in social situations. They also consider how the reactions of exclusion can change when…
This article talks about how people react when they are/feel excluded. Certain people have different coping mechanisms for this and reasons why they are hurt by being excluded. The authors in this article go in depth as to what factors could lead people to having a lower sense of fear that people get from exclusion and the psychology behind it all. The main theory of this article basically acknowledges the fact that people are discomforted by rejection and exclusions. When people are excluded…
Right now I’m going to talk about the first simulation I remember doing. I forget the name of the simulation, but what I don’t forget is what the simulation was about. First off, the simulation took place when I was in 4th grade (closer to the beginning of the year). We got to simulate leaving England and going to the United States of America. The class was separated into groups of four based on our tables. I was in a group with Isaac, Jared, and Alyssa. After we got in our groups roles had to…
As an offensive player it is hard for me to watch the defense let so many goals in. I decided I was going to push back and help play defense because I did not want to be embarrassed any longer. A ball soared through the air from half field to the corner flag. The girl I was defending received the ball on her left foot to prep it for the strike. I was nowhere near her, but I knew I did not want to be responsible for a goal. Her leg flung back like a slingshot. I was sprinting at her with…
wearing warrior saved Hyrule in its darkest hour and was just starting a new adventure once again. Link is one of the most widely recognized characters in the video game industry and it is hard to put into words just how much of an impact Link has had on people. The Legend of Zelda series is the work of mythological inspiration that follows through a similar pattern to Joseph Campbell or Vladimir Propp. However, the Legend of Zelda is heavily influenced by Structuralism. Structuralism explains…
preferred spot on the team. Often times the athletic staff gets caught in the middle by trying to find the best option for the athlete and coach. They don 't want to risk sending an athlete out to compete and risk another injury, but they also don’t want to hold the athlete back if they 're feeling normal. Although athletics is a business, there needs to be more thought and consideration that goes into the decision making process. I feel athletes, coaches, and the team physician/athletic…
and successful. It just takes one mistake to ruin everything and my senior year. On the third snap, I caught the snap, rolled out to my left, and threw the corner route. When I rolled out, I did everything I was taught. I got my shoulders around to the target, pushed off of my right foot and delivered the ball. When I pushed of the ground with my right foot, I jumped a little. But when I came down, my left foot fell underneath me. I knew something was not right when I landed. However, I got up…
Education Assistant will then contact potential trainers depending on the needs of the chapter or association, where the trainer lives and availability. Please respond to all requests and share your availability and interest as soon as possible. Even if you are unavailable or it us too far to travel, please provide a response. Any information given is helpful. • Once the EME Trainer agrees to the suggested date, the Education Assistant will provide the trainer with the contact information of…
3.0 Results and Discussion Figure 1 shows the infrared spectrum for both crosslinked and non-crosslinked films. Both carrageenan and vanillin contain similar functional groups such as CH4, C=O, C-O-C, C-OH. There is no significant difference in the spectrum that can be detected for crosslinked and non-crosslinked film samples. The spectrum can be divided into upper and lower spectrum. In the upper spectrum for the region of 2000 – 3600 cm-1, O-H stretching (3100 – 3600 cm-1) and C-H stretching…