Parameters I am a school psychologist in a large, predominantly white, public middle school in Illinois and I have a supervisor, Dr. Oblique, who is white. A disproportionately high number of referrals for special education evaluation are being made for children ages 11 – 14 who live in federally funded, low-income housing in the school district. Most of these children are African or Hispanic American. Some of the Hispanic American students’ primary language is Spanish. The same battery of tests is required for all students in the district. When these issues were brought up to my supervisor, I was told, “Don’t worry about it - just do your job as you are told.” Ethical-Legal Issues and Guidelines This scenario contains three broad ethical-legal…
This doesn’t require you to have any particular specialization or degree such as psychology or medicine, but anybody with any degree can go this route. I Can’t Afford a College Education If you still desire to become a legal assistant, but don’t have the necessary funds to attend a community college or university, your next best effort should be to work your way into the position. There are still many law firms and government agencies that hire from within and are willing to train those…
progress. Since he was the provider of basic needs to our family of five people, the loss of job was a shock to us all. However, as daunting as it was, I fought tooth and nail, and didn’t allow being pulled back in pursuing my goals. It took me 3 months to make application to the government students loan scheme, and I was fortunate to get funds for my secondary education. This was the time I realized that, I have opportunity to fulfil my dream of becoming a lawyer. As I continued with my…
The litigation attorney is also referred to as the trail lawyer or the litigator. They represent a plaintiff or the defendant in a civil matter in court cases. Litigation attorneys like Karl Heideck perform a wide variety of tasks for their client. This might include handling the entire investigative process to the trail, and settlement of the entire case. Of course, the tasks performed by the litigator depends heavily on the case that is involved. Great litigators like Karl Heideck design…
Growing up my family was poor, but my parents ensured that my siblings and I always had what we needed, and continuously supported us as we grew and tried to follow our dreams. Although neither of my parents obtained a college degree, they understood that education was important and constantly encouraged us to take an interest in our school work. When I was six years old my mother married my stepfather, who adopted me and raised me as if I were his daughter. I was excited to finally have what I…
Ever since I was six years old I knew that I wanted to become an attorney and that it would take many years of schooling. At this young age, I did not have a clue what an attorney did. All I saw was that the attorney would go to court and argue with a man. Some school days were rough. My parents both immigrants, with no education, could not help me with simple school work. I was mad and embarrassed because I felt like I did not have any support. Regardless, of their background my parents…
I spent the first week scouring the course catalog and talking to a transfer and an undergraduate advisor. They were both supportive of my newfound dedication to the law and encouraged me to give it a shot. The transition to UT was a struggle. I was taking four government and law classes and was I more academically challenged than I’d been my whole life. About halfway through the semester, though, I felt confident in my decision to pursue law. I enjoyed the parts and procedures involved in the…
“Preserving A Better World” Murders, child trafficking, sexual harassment, hate crime, to even the silliest as dumpster diving and mail theft happen everywhere. Most people are notoriously known for their ruthless and conniving ways. That’s why there are plenty of injustices in the world. It is up to the United States legal professional team to create a more peaceful and preservative society. This paper will be uncovering and conducting research to further explain to my fellow readers the…
Foundation or NELF describes elder law as “legal practice of counseling and representing older persons” ( Not all clients of elder law attorneys are in their old…
However, I consider it the most thoughtful field of all. Also, a great lawyer in Arbitration is the one who possesses an extensive knowledge in Private International Law. Thus, I would not have any solid ground in defending Egypt without acquiring sufficient knowledge in Private International Law. Moreover, I believe it is a very interesting subject to teach, if you are willing to be a creative lecturer. My interest to study the American Legal System emits from my addiction to study US…