The career occupation I chose is Law Enforcement. This is why I chose Criminal Justice as my major, so that it could help and with the information to be in Law Enforcement. Since I done many assessment in class, I got to see my personality and I also got to find out my skills. In this paper I’m going to explain why this occupation, and why it’s a fit for me by my personality, values, interests, strengths, and skills. On the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, my personality profile was Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging, also known as ESTJ. Extraversion is a person who enjoys working outside and interact with others and to take action. Sensing is a person who uses their five senses to focus on information.…
A police officer is an official of the law whose highest duty is to protect and serve the citizens of the United States of America. There are many different areas of work within the Criminal Justice field, but one of the most challenging, and essential jobs, are those performed by police officers. According to, a police officer, or law enforcement officer, has duties that include but are not limited to: patrolling, emergency response, making arrests, issuing citations,…
corrections officers, regardless of what is thought about another officer. To work as a unit effectively that trivial information should be ignored when there is a job to accomplish. Depending on how big the facility is, there could only be 4 shifts of people, with a minimum of five officers per shift. At any given time during the day, there could only be five officers, that need to work together to get the job accomplished, and sometimes even less officers then that. Internal affairs helps…
serious criminal history along with no financial delinquency. The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree or at least three years of experience in supervision or management, security, counseling, religious instruction or emergency response . Before an applicant applies for this position they must be aware that they will be completing 200 hours of training. 80 hours of it will be at an assigned orientation location. Hopefuls will be trained in physical abilities, correctional rules and…
you to be financially responsible. You also need to be able to pass medical tests, vision and hearing test, as well as physical test. And by physical test they mean, pushing yourself in all ways (including training) until you can 't push anymore. Training includes: learning of defensive tactics, driving, laws and regulations, and firearms. Usually, this training lasts anywhere from twelve to eighteen months. Before becoming a police officer you 'll start out as a probationary officer. Being one,…
The Clarksville Police Department have decided to make some changes to the testing protocols, scoring, and exercises that comprise our fitness assessment. They have chosen to start using Cooper Law Enforcement Fitness Norms instead of age and gender norms of the civilian population because of liability concerns (Patterson, 2016). These standards have been assigned point values consistent with the percentile scores in each exercise (ex. 5 points is equal to the 50th percentile, 6 points are equal…
The CPA has taken a thorough and unique approach to these canons by infusing the Biblical code of ethics via the Ten Commandments and The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. The CPA’s code of ethics is primarily based on a deontological theory of ethics; it evaluates through most of the canons what an officer’s duty is to him or herself, the profession, and the public. Canons six, seven, nine, and eleven invoke a utilitarian perspective to these ethical codes. The primary difference between these…
the senior officer was concerned, he or she passed the acid test (p. 157). This student then became a sworn employee of the police department; however, his formality changed when Dr. Michael Roberts along with the San Jose Police Department implemented the FTO program. From the time a rookie starts the FTO training program until completion, he or she will have in-depth training in every aspect to launch the job as a police officer. The departments are more formal and structured. The cadets now…
Security is very important when it comes to college campuses. Keeping students safe should be at the top of the priority list for colleges. When parents choose a college for their child one of the biggest factors that influences their decision is how effective the security is on campus. Parents expect their child to be safe at college, but we sometimes have to question how effective is the security on campus? The University of South Alabama should provide more security because it would increase…
POP also relies on community resources in order to successfully address crime. POP correspondingly attempts to involve citizens in crime prevention through education, negotiation, and conflict management (Schmalleger, 2015). Police officers identify problems throughout the scanning stage. Then they will collect and analyze information during the analysis stage. This is done by working with other law enforcement agencies and the community. Once the analysis phase is complete producing solutions…