idea of Moloch is visually portrayed as a series of ominous, dark, frightening images that look like they come directly from the depths of hell. If Moloch is a fleeting, figurative idea in the poem, the film offers a more concrete depiction. The clever use of narrative in the film, Howl, gives someone watching it more insight into the writer’s personal life than they would normally get by simply reading the poem, Howl, without the background story. Using narrative, the idea of mental confinement is illustrated in a more concrete way. The story in the film is constructed through the dynamic point of view of the character portraying Ginsberg being interviewed, through the story of the court trial of Howl and Other Poems publisher, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and through the animated reenactment of the poem itself. These three elements together give the audience a greater understanding of the meaning of this work and the process behind the writing of it. The trial is the attempt to mentally confine or restrict the language that is considered acceptable to use when it comes to works of literature. The score, or the musical soundtrack to this film was a big factor in bringing it to life. Song choice is key to the success of this film. The instrumental pieces that play in the background while the poem is read aloud, are a mix of melancholy and nostalgic rifts that draw greater attention to detail. Moloch can be felt and heard in those melancholy and ominous rifts. The heavy-handed…
Rai Period 1 Mr. Westbrook 24 January 2018 Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s Influence on Literature A poet, playwright, leader, publisher, activist, father and entrepreneur, Lawrence Ferlinghetti helped generate the literary movement: “Beat” in the 1950s. Like many others, he believed that literature should be available to all everyone. Despite, their education, wealth or heritage. He composed poetry to discuss taboos, political movement and to ponder “American idiom and modern jazz.” (Lawrence…
The poem “Good Hours” by Robert Frost is a poem that alludes the feeling of solitude and loneliness to its readers. Frost himself faced a great deal of heartbreak in his time. While “Good Hours” is one of his lesser known poems, it is no doubt beautiful and artistic in the least. Much like almost all of Frost’s poems, this poem uses nature to reveal and analyze the narrator’s feelings. Renowned poet, Robert Frost, in his poem, “Good Hours”, describes a scenic walk through a village on a winter…
Malden Mills, a textile mill in Lawrence, Massachusetts, was destroyed by fire on December 11, 1995. Malden Mills was a family owned business run by the grandson of the founder, Aaron Fuerstein. The mill was the manufacturer of Polartec fabric, a high quality fabric well known for its use in outdoor apparel and sold by popular companies. Malden Mills employed over 2,400 employees and was the last major textile manufacturer in town and contributed around $100 million dollars a year into the…
Many theorists believe that people go through stages for their moral development. Lawrence Kohlberg began researching the topic and then he created a model of moral development that is based on six different stages. He built upon the findings of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget’s two stage theory of moral development. Kohlberg was born on October 25, 1927 in Bronxville New York. He was one of four children born to Alfred Kohlberg and Charlotte Albrecht. Alfred was a silk merchant and Charlotte…
Vygotsky placed a great deal of importance on the position played by culture in an infant’s development. He accepted that infants were born with established mental abilities like the capacity to focus on specific items. However, according to his theory, infants don 't have the capacity to do thing such as problem solving. Infants are able to learn through guided learning from more intelligent people. One of the key ideas of Vygotsky 's theory is the zone of proximal development. This is the…
Lawrence Kohlberg was an American psychologist best known for his work on the stages of moral development. He was born in Bronxville, New York on October 25, 1927. He was the youngest of four children and the child of Alfred Kohlberg and Charlotte Albrecht. He spent most of his adolescent life in Andover, Massachusetts where he attended Phillips Academy, a private high school. He continued his education, studying at the University of Chicago, where he earned his bachelor degree as well as his…
Born on August 9, 1896 Jean Piaget grew up In Switzerland under care from his father who studied medieval literature and his mother Rebecca. His mother credits her son’s interest in science due to his own tendencies. In Piaget’s early life he was fascinated with molluscs up until he attended college. Piaget worked under Carl Jung and Paul Eugen Bleuler while studying psychology. His interest was to get a more in-depth meaning to psychoanalysis, and further study abnormal psychology.…
While many design fields aren’t as regulated as other fields like print and cinema, every designer should still develop their own CODE OF ETHICS to abide by when working with clients. According to the design institute of Australia, ethics is a rational study of the moral dilemmas in human action. A moral code can be either implicit or explicit and can be very subjective; there isn’t always a right or wrong solution. As a result, it is important for you to consider your own stance as a designer…
An interview is a way of asking open-ended questions to the intended interviewee. The goal is to gain a better understanding of the person, as the person gains an insight of what he or she is being interviewed about. For Psychology 101, the group is given the opportunity to interview three people from the ages 18 to 21. Each will be identified as person A, person B, and person C, to respect their privacy. All three were interviewed and asked similar questions. The questions asked were related to…