blackmailed by the Joker for embezzling from her job. The Joker beats Jason brutally with a crowbar, and then leaves him and his mother in a warehouse with a bomb. Jason was brought back to life six months afterward by superboy-prime. Bucky became the Winter Soldier, a Soviet assassin, for Department X of Hydra, an organization set on bringing evil into the world. He was kept in a cryogenic state when not on a mission, leaving him to age only a few years into a young adult in the span of 70 years. He had a brief relationship with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, when training her. Talia al Ghul brought Jason back to the league of Assassins in the Middle East after finding him in a hospital. He was restored to full health by a Lazarus Pit, a naturally occurring pit that heals injuries and can grant immortality. Talia was told to give up on Jason many times, but she kept him and trained him as an assassin. Talia and Jason had a short relationship while she was reviving him. Rebirth In January 2005, The Winter Soldier appeared for the first time in Captain America Volume 5 #1. The Winter Soldier appeared as an antagonist for Captain America after he assassinated the hero known as ‘Nomad’. A few months later in May 2005, the Under the Hood storyline revolved around the identity of the new Red Hood, who was introduced as a villain for Batman. In Batman #638 it was revealed to Batman and the rest of the family that the Red Hood was Jason Todd. Sam Wilson, Steve Roger’s new…
pursue internal freedom in a changing world. The poet engages the use of an incoherent style and structure while maintaining a melodic rhyme to correspond with the use of stream of consciousness. Hence, illuminating a realistic approach to the speaker’s internal dilemmas. So, the poet utilizes allusions and irony to emphasize how the narrator possesses an avoidant and disoriented personality and repetitive behavior of withdrawal from stressful confrontations due to becoming frightened, feeling…
In his poem We Wear the Mask, Laurence Dunbar speaks rather elusively on the topic of human deceit. More specifically, the underlying message of the human tendency to hide emotions in suffering, reveals itself in the 15 line poem. Explored in the first two lines of the poem, Dunbar speaks about a figurative mask; a mask covering the face, hiding cheeks and eyes, with the mask taking over with its fake happiness, all a subdued lie. Continuing through the poem, the second stanza expresses grief…
table” (l.3), show not only how Prufrock views his Hell on Earth but also reflect his own personality. The images of the empty streets mirror his own feelings of loneliness and alienation, while the image of the patient being immobile, mirrors Prufrock’s own inability to act. Prufrock, in a sense, is paralyzed by his inability to make decisions and act on them. He is clearly aware that everything in his life is stopped, or paralyzed, except for time. He has a growing concern of the fact time…
these women, they might spot the “bald spot in the middle” of his hair (Eliot). That is why he desperately attempts to attire himself with “necktie rich and modest” (Eliot). He is constantly going back and forth and asking himself “do I dare / disturb the universe” because he does not know if he should shake up the stasis of the people at the party by expressing his desire for love (Eliot). Prufrock is the epitome of a common man—he is not handsome. He acknowledges that he has flaws but does…
moment of my greatness flicker”. (Eliot 84-85). This quote shows that Prufrock knows he has lost his chance at being happy, all because he is stuck In his head about people 's judgments, and his own fears of failure. Prufrock feels that he is no ones first or last choice, "I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me"(Eliot 124-125). Prufrock feels that he has no worth and that people could not care less if he disappeared. Prufrock and Gregor have…
Throughout the years Greek Mythology has influenced art and literature. It was created to teach people using stories about their gods. For example, the myth of the Sirens from The Odyssey teaches us to use logic to resist temptation and move forward with our lives. Ulysses, Latin for Odysseus, and his men are sailing back to their home Ithaca, when the stumble upon Sirens. They must stay strong and resist temptation so they can continue their journey. In the painting, Ulysses and The Sirens,…
“Icarus in Catechism Class,” a poem written by Dominador Ilio, revolves around the persona wanting to escape the catechism class that he is in. On the other hand, “Musée des Beaux Arts,” a poem written by WH Auden, shows how the “Old Masters” understand suffering as depicted in several artworks, especially Brueghel’s painting of the fall of Icarus, as seen by the persona in a mueseum. This close reading will focus on the importance of Icarus and how suffering is depicted in the poems. Making…
pre-feminist, suicidal poet who is obsessed to a certain extent with the theme of death. In Lady Lazarus the narrator is in 1st person this is shown through the use of “I”. The narrator is a narcissist who is obsessed with the idea of death and makes herself be undefeatable against death as she is “a sort of walking miracle.” This is one of the reasons why critics associated it as if Sylvia Plath was the narrator herself of the poem. One purpose of this was to try different writing voices…
Daddy and Lady Lazarus are poems written in 1963, by Sylvia Plath and were shortly released after her death. Sylvia Plath is a famous American poet born in October 27, 1932. Plath was really depressed since at the age of 10 after her Father's death. She tried to commit suicide multiple times and failed.Plath's famous Poems “Daddy” and “Lady Lazarus” are mainly influenced on her depression and her complex relationship with her Dad and her husband Ted Hughes. Ted hughes leaving Plath left her…