You cannot use any aspect of someone else’s design, images or text when producing your own work unless you have their explicit permission. Making changes to someone else’s copyright material also doesn’t help you avoid a copyright infringement—you still need the original copyright holder’s permission. The Copyright Council of Australia explain that “If, for example, you want to use something someone else has created – on your website, or in a brochure, or even for purely personal purposes – you might need permission even if you are using only a small part of that material, or if you make changes to it.” They further elaborate, saying that “When working out whether or not you will need to get permission, it is more important to look at what is still the same, rather than what has been changed. You will usually have a copyright issue to deal with if you are using any important, distinctive or essential part of the original material – this may or may not be a large proportion of that material.” This also applies even if the material is sourced from overseas. According to Australian copyright law and a number of international treaties, most material copyrighted overseas is also protected under the Australian Copyright Act. A big part of your ethical code as a designer should therefore be not to copy or steal material from other …show more content…
Many argue not doing so is immoral given that more people access the internet on their smartphones now than on laptops or desktop computers. According to designer Nick Pettit, “Responsive web design is a technique for building websites that work on mobile devices, tablets, and desktop screens. Not long ago, websites were typically designed specifically for laptop and desktop screen resolutions. This worked fine until the advent of web capable smart phones and tablets.” Be careful with installing a plugin on a website to detect and change your design if it detects a mobile device. This creates a schizophrenic website that looks completely different on mobile to a laptop or desktop. You are a professional and the client has a right to expect a more professional standard than an amateur plugin.
When it comes to ethical standards, your code should outline the things you will and will not do. Be specific so your client is clear on what to expect from you. This code is the basis for all of your professional conduct and is something you should consider and revise throughout your