Police brutality and court systems and structural violence This world is arranged by tiers according to race, culture, gender, sexuality, and many more individualities. If you are perceived to be on the “better” or more preferred side of these characteristics, you are treated tremendously different than those of the lower hierarchy. This is the structural violence. When one group of people is treated better than another group of people because of their characteristics. An example of this is minorities in America. Minorities in the United States have been a victim of this structural violence. Many or deprived of good jobs, decent schooling and housing, and safer environment. In this paper I will talk about the African American race, police brutality and court systems specifically.…
What counts as a lawful or reasonable shooting? Videos of police brutality are surfacing over the course of this year and more specifically over the past few weeks. Although the videos or recordings are not photographs, they still hold significant meanings and interpretations. The many recordings include the shootings (murders) of Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Laquan McDonald, Walter L. Scott, and many more. I believe that videos, specifically the recordings of police brutality, have the power…
The word polittia in Latin mean police, which means civil administration. Politia also goes back to the Greek word polis which means city, therefore it can be concluded that police officers can be viewed as those involved in the city 's administration. The word politia became the French word police. The English took over the word and use it to mean as civil administration. The police are used to represent the civil power of government of government, contrary to the military power of government…
As a current citizen of Georgia, I am concerned of the actions being taken in Congress. An issue with police brutality has surfaced within the nation for the past several years, but it seems the government has not directly addressed this on-going issue. The famous shooting of Trayvon Martin, was the beginning of the black lives matter era. Black Lives Matter is an internationalist activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systematic…
2424 Police Brutality against African Americans In today's society society, it seems like history is repeating itself when it comes to police brutality against African Americans. To begin, there is a never ending trend of a Caucasian police officer or man who commits a crime and receives no time in jail for his wrong. There is one specific case that stands out to me, it is the Eric Garner Case. “Eric Garner was approached by New York Police for allegedly selling black market cigarettes. As…
how much power this dissonance has over someone. I will be addressing cognitive dissonance and critical thinking issues related to racism and police brutality. One of the factors that affect dissonance is how trapped someone feels in their decisions. This raises the likelihood of someone rationalizing the decision. For example, someone might purchase a motorcycle instead of a regular vehicle and hate…
three people have in common? All three were all black, all three were all murdered at the hands of a police officer, and all three were all unarmed. Officers have a long history of abusing their power, and these are just a few of the victims. People of color, specifically black people, have found this to be especially true. Police are more likely to use excessive and unnecessary force on black people than on their white counterparts. There are many laws that prevent police officers from using…
which a person can classify themselves into. Throughout this paper I’m going to discuss the negative effects of ingroup and outgroup relationships and the role they play in increasing prejudice and discrimination throughout the country. Specifically examining the issue of police brutality toward minorities.…
Police brutality and racial violence have been categorized as sensitive topics in America today due to recent events that have occurred. As of 2016, almost 200 African-Americans have been killed by police officers. Movements such as Black Lives Matter (BLM) have been established because of these tragedies and have also gained thousands of supporters across the country because of these tragic events. The author’s background shows extensive credibility. Cornel West is a critically acclaimed…
three women started twitting on social media regarding the shooting of Treyvon Martin. Then singer Beyoncé is only one of a few artist that have joined the black lives matter movement, to highlight black lives matter verses all lives matter. Police brutality has created an up roar within our communities with the injustice of blacks by white officers. Police brutality and injustice is displayed in the book, Les Miserables. An example of inequality of justice was shown to Fantine. Fantine…