In today’s society everyone thinks that the police are being brutal. Well with social media and news stations it’s painting a bad picture for officers, showing us videos and pictures of them abusing their powers with using excessive violence when it isn’t even needed, random shootings and the murdering of innocent people, this gets communities worrying who's really there to protect us on the streets. Officers are seen as bad guys instead of heroes and if this continues it is possible riots will happen and from riots it could turn into a war, pinning ourselves against the very people sworn to protect us! We need a way to prevent this and thanks to President Trumps wants to add a new bill so now we won’t need to worry about police violence. First order of the bill is rid police of their firearms and replace them paintball gun that way it prevents any serious injuries as well as fatalities. With this we will never have to worry about in the police killing anyone ever again! Also, we will be able to count each number of bullets they have shot because they will only have six shots three being blue and three being red. With the decreasing number of deaths the people's morale will rise which will make for a better society. We…
The LA Riots were a huge event that transpired in 1992. They occurred after a man named Rodney King was beaten to death by four police officers. He was kicked while on the concrete. Police brutality has always been a heavy issue in America and there have been numerous amounts of incidents that involve police brutality. The police force has changed since the riots occurred and have fewer incidents that are categorized as brutality. Police brutality has been present for forever. There have been…
Many People feel that police officers, especially those who are not considered a minority, are granted special rights for holding a badge. Police brutality has always been on topic ever since the police system has been put into place. Many people feel that police officers and law enforcement can get a free pass when committing crimes out of procedure. The disliking of police and police brutality really started to come in place during the many race riots in the 1900s. Some examples include The…
policies or practices. During the Civil Right Movement in America, there were lots of protests and riots which were for the equal rights and freedoms for the black community. Reports on rioting normally portray it as single event unrelated to the larger issue which led the urban violence to initiate. Rioting in America has normally been conducted by African Americans and other minorities who are protesting and when the protesting turns violent, rioting begins. The following are major riots which…
emerging from today’s youth. The London riots, which occurred only five years ago, were the actions that brought Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, where youth gangs ravage the city, to life. In his article, Burgess accurately predicts a time in England when teenagers will be in control. Attempting to justify these unexplainable events, Jonathon Foreman wrote “London Aflame,” where rioters in London defy authority and act in anarchy. By showing us the events of the riots, as well as, why they…
If you were to google pictures of “war zone” and then google again “riots” you would see a lot of similarities between the images: fire, destruction, debris, thick plumes of smoke. These images will give you a good idea as to what transpired and the eventual aftermath, in the evening of the Vancouver Hockey Riot. Some would argue a series of unfortunate events, such as inadequate planning, closing liquor stores early that day, and allowing overcrowding of downtown Vancouver. However what really…
prestigious racial riots is the one that blew up in Ferguson, Missouri, after a young black man, Michael Brown, was killed by a white police officer after he stole from a convenience store and appeared to have posed a threat to the officer as he approached. Even after all attempts to end racism from the 1800’s to the…
Berlinger, Joshua. "Baltimore Riots: A Timeline." CNN. Cable News Network, 28 Apr. 2015. Web. 12 Apr. 2016. Freddie Gray, 25 years old, was being transported in a police van after being charged with possession of an illegal switchblade. He was beaten by police while being transported to the prison, leaving him in a coma where he later died from his injuries. In the wake of Freddie Gray’s funeral riots broke out in Baltimore, buildings were looted and burned down, and rioters threw glass bottles…
and consequences of the riot were lawlessness and antisemitism. Antisemitism was communicated through anti-Semitic slogans, and people explicitly proclaiming themselves the proud reincarnations of Hitler (signs with messages like “Hitler didn’t do his job”).The lawlessness occurred when the error made by the police caused the police to be accused of giving preferential treatment to the Jews. Yet according to a different source from Commentary magazine, written by Philip Gourevitch January 1st,…
There were very important protests and riots due to the lack of work during the 20th century in Canada. The most important riot was the Regina riot, a revolution that brought hope and courage to the citizens of Canada during the great depression. The government sent single, unemployed men to work in relief camps under bad conditions and little pay. These men decided to protest in Ottawa, and present their issues about the relief camps to Prime Minister R.B. Bennett. This caused violent riots…