The police are employed by the government to uphold law and order and protect citizens (Funk & Wagnalls), in the United States some may say that police are not doing their job. The country is beginning to have a very large crisis on their hands, this crisis is police brutality. Police brutality is the use of excessive force on a civilian by an officer of the law, such as hitting a civilian when that level of force is not needed (the law dictionary). Police brutality has been happening since the beginning of the police force, police misconduct has become normal due to the development of an organizational culture created within the police organization that passively permits wrong doing by police(Rushin). Due to this oolice brutality has many…
Emergence as a discipline. Canter and Young (2009) implies the skills of historic profilers are only relevant to extreme cases that involve some form of psychopathology. However, Investigative Psychology contributes to investigations across the spectrum of the police service. The first documentation of offender profiling dates back to the publication of ‘Malleus Maleicarum’ in the late 1400s. The first profile used was to identify and eradicate witches. Despite the profile being based on…
recognized is the most effective methods of gathering this evidence as if it were physical which will be referenced in the body of this paper. The more effective that police can make gathering this evidence, the more accurate offenders will be put in jail. This benefits not only this country, but society as a whole. The human mind works in such intricate ways that research is just starting to fully figure out now how to let it function at its best quality especially for recalling…
to address two major issues concerning police authenticity. The research problem being evaluated is the impact of individuals’ judgments about the procedural justice of the way in which the police exercise their power to impact three instrumental judgments: risk, performance, and distributive fairness. First, the article examines the debate that police legitimacy has a vital impact on police support from the public. The authors analyze the impact of police authenticity on three facets of…
A police officer’s job is to protect and serve, control the public order, and help prevent and detect a crime. The duties of police officers, also known as cops, have changed over time yet have always been to protect and serve the community. The cops in today’s society have a mission which is to enforce the rules of conduct and the law. Of course, this mission can also be very dangerous for the officer and their families. These thoughts are all a part of the stress and complications that come…
The 1992 book Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, written by Christopher R. Browning, seeks to understand the police officers behind the blitzkrieg against Polish Jews during the German military offensive of 1942. Rather than focus on the liquidation of major ghettos in Warsaw and in Lodz, this study focuses on the smaller towns and villages that included significant Jewish populations in Central Poland. By examining indictments and judgements from legal…
Police officers are their to assist the public. They are there to help if someone is lost or is hurt. Police Officers have to be there when people are in need. They have a lot of different duties that have to do on a daily bases. After researching the career of a police officer, I have decided to pursue this career. Concerning typical daily tasks, police officers are required to do many things. Cops main requirement is public safety. For example, they have to watch for people breaking the…
According to the article, Dialogue Police, Decision Making, and the Management of Public Order During Protest Crowd Events, police need to effectively communicate with protestor groups before, during and after a known event. Communications should especially be maintained during times of trouble to ensure prior arrangements are upheld (Gorringe, Stott, & Rosie, 2012, p. 112-113). The communication aspect is very important when dealing with protestors or the public in general, due to the…
It is important for law enforcement to stay current with ongoing technological developments. The article “The Future Is Here: Technology in Police Departments” outlines several new technologies used by police departments. Some of these technology include crime lights, in-car camera systems, thermal imaging, and crime mapping. Law enforcement uses crime lights to detect hair, fibers, and body fluids at crime scenes. The lights allow a crime scene to be processed faster and more thoroughly than…
False eyewitness identification has proven to have a high degree of inaccuracy, yet still remains to be one of the most convincing pieces of evidence presented to a jury during a trial. Eyewitness accounts of certain events have been used to convict individuals that were later exonerated after serving years in a correctional facility for crimes they did not commit. Through the use of photographs and lineups during a criminal investigation, police officers and other interested parties are able to…