Facts About Hip Hop Dance Hip hop dance has a huge impact on clothing dance and graphic design.(WordPress."HistoryFacts." Hip-Hop History. Word Press, 19 June 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.)the beginning of hip hop did not start with dmc or LL Cool J it started with Kool Herc of Africa who was the first to put words to music. ("Interesting Facts About Hip-Hop Music." Interesting Facts About Hip-Hop Music. Learnhowtorap. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.)"Rap was created to reduce all the negativity such as gang violence and etc."("Interesting Facts About Hip-Hop Music." Interesting Facts About Hip-Hop Music. Learnhowtorap. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.) Run DMC was the golden age of hip hop. ("Word Press. "History Facts." Hip-Hop History. Word Press, 19 June 2012. Web. 10…
Origin of Hip Hop Dance Early hip hop has an effect on many people, the early history of hip hop formed in 1960s- 1970s. A lot of african movements have influenced hip hop as well as tap and swing, the movements are all similar in many ways the movement of fast footwork and fast arm movements as well as upper and lower body movement. Kool DJ Herc moved from Jamaica to NY to start off his career in DJing which brought up the opportunity for more people to put together these dance movements we now…
80’s Hip Hop Dance Did you know Hip Hop dance is healthy for you. As much as you move around in dancing you lose weight and also getting in shape. Dance can get your physical conditioning and exercise. “how hip hop dance could set you on course for a healthier and more active lifestyle.” Through popping, locking are all well-know hip-hop workouts.You can have so much fun with dancing. I bet you didn't know there were seven different types of hip hop. With the hip hop and the dance beats put…
through dancing. I don’t dance just because I can express myself, but I dance because it brings back memories. Memories that are very special to me because my aunt was the reason I started to dance. I remember her teaching me how to warm up my body before dancing, so I won’t hurt myself. My aunt also taught me how to become a choreographer and how to handle my dance team. Dancing is very special to me because it reminds me of my aunt. She made me realized that I can voice out my feelings without…
Breakdancing marked the beginning of the hip-hop movement in dance. It consisted of unique styles and movements that still exist in breakdancing today. Breakdancing, or “b-boying” rapidly grew since the 1970s and is popular amongst many street dancers today. The history behind breakdancing derived mainly from Puerto Rican and African American dancers in New York. These dancers brought different movements and terminology within breakdancing that are very iconic within this style of dance. This…
Nazgol. 2010. “‘Cross-Cultural’ Practices: Interpreting Non-African-American Participation in Hip-Hop Dance.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 33(9):1580-99. Retrieved 2015 ( http://myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/docview/758122989?accountid=14771 ). In this scholarly article, Ghandnoosh (2010) explores the interpretation of cultural practices made by participants of another race. She captures a wide range of participant views by…
comfortable with, or we can take on the challenge of something new. Hip-hop dancing has been my solid ground where I stood over the course of eight years. As I grow, I want to start learning how I can transcend my skills and discover something new. As part of my research, I want to develop the idea of what type of dance I should newly put my attention towards where it will expand my horizons and further help the skills I have this present. Since I was young, I have had the passion of dancing.…
The surgeon said, “Julia, your hip hop dance career may be over.” Dancing has been my passion since I was five years old. Unfortunately, after undergoing back surgery, hip hop was no longer an option. My doctors said I had advanced scoliosis, with a sixty degree “S”’ curve in my spine, so it was fused from top to bottom and titanium rods were placed on both sides for stability. Twisting, bending, jumping, lifting, and especially advanced hip hop dance were all out of the question. As a thirteen…
According to the website Dictionary.com, the definition of a sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature (Sport 1). Dance requires all of these aspects. Dance is an art, but it also has a competitive side. You can compete in many different categories such as solos, duets, trios, or a group. There are also different age groups. There are so many different genres of dance, it would be difficult for someone not to find at least one…
doing our routine full out 5 times. Other athletes like football, softball and soccer players, wouldn’t really consider dance a sport, but believe me, it is. Training to be the worlds best will be worth the pain, tears and sweat in the end. Butterflies circle around in my stomach as I think about the plane ride to Florida! On April 25th, my team and I will take the worlds stage, to compete to become the worlds best open coed hip-hop dance team. This Monday is not a normal practice; we compete…