What Is Downs Syndrome 1. Introduction Down syndrome is a genetic condition which causes a certain level of characteristic physical appearance and a disability in learning. The genetic condition is produced by a problem in gene and this takes place before birth. There is a certain grade of intellectual disability this differs between each person. Babies which are born with Down’s syndrome are diagnosed with the disorder after birth they are most likely to have below average weight as well as length at birth, a flat back of the head and eyes which slant outwards and upwards. Children who have the disorder may share the common physical features but are not the same. The child with the condition will look like their mother or father than other…
Down syndrome affects 1 in every 691 births, a condition sometimes called trisomy 21, where a child inherits an extra copy of chromosome 21. Children born with Down syndrome have distinctive features such as: weak muscle tone, a small mouth held partially open because it is not big enough to accommodate for the tongue, and distinguishing eyelids. More serious deficiencies comprise of low resistance to infectious diseases, heart abnormalities, and fluctuating levels of mental retardation, in most…
This information report will provide one will the knowledge needed to help make the decision regarding the issue of your unborn baby having a risk of Down Syndrome. This report will provide information regarding the options given to you. What is Down Syndrome? Down Syndrome (DS or DNS) is is a genetic disorder which is also known as Trisomy 21. this disorder occurs from a extra copy a chromosome, in most cases it is an extra part of chromosome 21. A chromosome is found in most living organisms…
What is Downs Syndrome? Downs Syndrome (DS) is the leading form of intellectual and chromosomal deformity (Sherman et al., 2007), affecting approximately 1 in every 700 babies born each year (Parker et al. 2010). The main physiological aspect and cause of DS is the trisomy of chromosome 21 in which the usual paired chromosome becomes a trio (Patterson, 2009). DS also has a clear clinical presentation from birth with a number of distinct symptoms such as (percentages represent number of DS…
Introduction Children, adolescents and adults suffer from a mental and physical disorder known as Down syndrome. This disorder is due to an extra chromosome in their genes which is the leading cause. However, a specific chromosome can also be damaged during cell replication, which can also increase their risk of getting Down syndrome and other disorders later on in their life that could eventually lead to death if not treated at the right time. Also, if a mother gives birth at a higher age, it…
Those who live with Down syndrome (Downs) have normal lives even if they may have a few characteristics that are different from those who do not. There are many types of Down syndrome, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and complications that characterize people who have Downs. But as shown, they are not as different to everyone else as some people may think, besides the extra 21st chromosome and a few other features. These can include physical characteristics, intellectual struggles, and a few…
Understanding Down Syndrome: The chromosome abnormality Down Syndrome (DS) takes place when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is a mental disability that can affect a person 's personality, health, and physical appearance. Women can catch this genetic disorder early in pregnancy by diagnostic testing. Although both parents are carriers of DS the mother 's age can make the percentage of the baby having Down syndrome higher. Children with DS have…
Down Syndrome affects physical growth, facial characteristics, and intellect. Also known as Trisomy 21, it is a genetic mutation in which a person is born with an extra chromosome. These chromosomes are rod-like structures where genetic materials are stored and grouped. The nucleus of each cell in the human body contains 23 chromosomes, half, being inherited from each parent. The added chromosome changes the systematic development, affecting not only physical traits but mental as well. Common…
division in early embryo development can cause Down syndrome also called Downs Syndrome named from John Langdon Down, an English Physician, who wrote about it in 1866. A child born with this defect has an extra or abnormal chromosome 21.this changes the way the body and brain develops, and depends on the type of down syndrome and how may cell shave an abnormal chromosome 21. Experts believe that changes often occur before conception in the woman’s egg and less of ten in the sperm. The type of…
congenital disorder that creates an extra portion or copy of the 21st chromosome. This disorder is called Down syndrome. It is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. People who are born with Down syndrome usually have a flat face ,Protruding tongue, Upward slanting eyes, Unusually shaped or small ears, Poor muscle tone, Broad, short hands with a single…