In a recent article published by The New York Times, it was reported that rape victims at the Mormon-run Brigham Young University claim that the school uses the Honor Code they are forced to sign before beginning school there to punish them for the circumstances surrounding their assaults. The Honor Code “requires modest dress on campus and prohibits drinking, drug use, same-sex intimacy, indecency and sexual misconduct” (Healy). Since many sexual assaults on college campuses very often involve alcohol or other drugs, the victims state that “they had faced Honor Code investigations into whether they drank alcohol, took drugs or had consensual sex in the time surrounding their assaults” (Healy). One woman was actually suspended from Brigham…
The relationship between my faith and my work as a therapist is very interesting to me. I was born and raised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) also known as Mormons. When I was two my family moved to a home in Provo, Utah where my father became a professor at Brigham Young University which is owned and run by the LDS Church. The area where I lived was about 99% Mormon. In fourth grade there was only one student in my entire grade-level who was not a member of the…
I was prepared to achieve. Nothing lower was acceptable to either me or my parents. Anything lower than an A meant that I had made a mistake. It meant I had failed. That’s the way I felt about grades. Because of this, throughout all of high school, I was under tremendous pressure, especially during final tests and projects. Looking back on these experiences helped me to realize that I was worrying for the wrong reasons. Through all of high school, all I worried or cared about was my grades. I…
As I try to pinpoint a single day or moment in my life that best exemplifies the person I am today, memories flood my mind and I think about all the opportunities that led me here to Brigham Young University. I could easily write about an epic backpacking trip or meeting President Obama, but there is a greater moment, not even a year ago when I saw myself from a whole new perspective. I always heard about girls who competed in Distinguished Young Women, former junior miss, in my town. They…
drew a picture that explained his belief that by controlling the speed and direction of fast-flying electrons, he could transform electricity into pictures. He showed the picture to his chemistry teacher, who kept it. “Farnsworth attended Brigham Young University for two years, but learned most of what he knew about physics from correspondence classes he took from the University of Utah.” Then Philo’s father died, and the family did not have enough money for him to continue school. In 1926,…
well below that possible with financial or technical aid; a country that is not yet highly industrialized. (“developing countries”) Some developing countries include Afghanistan, India, Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, and Panama. I hope to be able to look at most of these countries and study how each of them feel about women’s education and where they feel they could improve. I think an important point that people need to understand before reading this paper would be that the reasons girls cannot go to…
than one wife. An angry mob shot and killed Joseph Smith, who founded the Mormon religion. Brigham Young, one of Smith’s chief followers, quickly took charge as the new “leader” of the Mormons. Young declared that the Mormons had to leave the U.S. In 1846, Brigham Young led the migration of thousands of Mormons to Utah. The Mormons settled there(Utah). The Mormons and the Native Americans in Utah first agreed to make peace with each other, but when the Native Americans thought that the new…
in the U.S by a man named Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith was born on December 23, 1805, when Joseph Smith was 14 it is said that he saw God and his son Jesus, it is also said that he was given a golden book by an angel and translated it to make The Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith officially began the LDS church on April 6, 1830, and then began converting people to his church, Joseph Smith began the practice of polygamy around 1831 when he said he had a revelation from God. Joseph Smith and his brother…
become a good Mormon, pay a ten percent tithe, follow all of the laws, and be considered worthy. Then they have to go through a number of secret rituals. If they do all of these things they may reach the highest level of heaven, where they will become a god or goddess. They do not believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, but rather they believe that God came down and had relations with Mary. According to the theory that every human is a child of God and his wife, this relation should be…
This year I had the opportunity to go to a football camp at Brigham Young University. It was for four days, Monday to Thursday and was from 9:00 to 11:30 then lunch them from 1:30 to 5:00. I was a very cool experience and was very fun and lots of things happen that was both tranquil and turbulent. I would say I am mostly tranquil until it comes to sports. Here are some things that happened when I was there. I had to get a ride down to Utah from someone that goes to my church, the…