Not necessarily, I do maintain any order of my reading, neither do I control. There isn’t a clue what factor dominates the list of my readings! Lately, my fiction reading narrowed in a specific area, obviously the criteria of selections indicate my recent reading focal point. It’s Bengali Diaspora literature, not the whole, but a major portion of the chunk, which is available in the open market. I remember the instigation of this diasporas reading. It is Zadie Smith, who I consider the pioneer of the Bengali Diaspora literature! Yes, I know it 's an unreasonable approach, considering someone the pioneer, who isn 't a Bengali, rather a British, (I decided not to go for her any other background) who overrode this specific notion, her inclusion…
The Issue of a Border Fence in America The issue of a border fence surrounding the divide between the United States and Mexico has been a great debate among many political and social activists. Throughout the years, there has been recent speculation that there needs to be increased border security, especially as it relates to the protective interests of the U.S. against suspected and potential terrorists. As the country faces various issues with the concept behind stronger border security,…
husband passed away in 1861. She experienced an expansion in building railways, bridges, industry, and underground sewers. Britain doubled its size. She was a strong supporter of the British Empire. They start British the saying “The sun never sets on the British Empire “because of how much territory they owned. During her reign there were advances in technology and had a big number of new inventions she was related to many royal houses because of her children’s marriages. During her reign…
government just because they were in another country so this was a huge point of the revolution. The hope was that after the American Revolution ended and they got their independence, then maybe they could have a say and more power in the new government that is formed. If a Whig member has a lot of say and power during the revolution, then those people know that they will gain even more inside of the new government. Benjamin Rush, also talks about how the Whigs had this expectation that if they…
After his conversion experience, Wilberforce sought to stand behind a worthy cause rather than promote his selfish ambitions to further his career. On October 28, 1787, Wilberforce wrote a statement in his diary that would set the course for his life. He declared that “God almighty has placed before me two great Objects—the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of manners.” During this time, the slave trade was a powerful entity within the British empire. The Society of Friends, or…
The Story of Kashmir “The consequences of that partition have been so terrible that one is inclined to think that anything else would have been preferable.” Nehru the Prime Minister of India at the time of partition spoke about the tragedy that occurred because of the partition, including the faith of Kashmir. The partition of India and Pakistan occurred in 1947 when the British disengaged their hold over India, but India would also lose part of its land to a new country called Pakistan.…
we will withdraw once more into ourselves after this war.” Economically, the war had accelerated Australia’s industrialisation, “which, under the conditions existing prior to 1938, would probably not have been reached for another fifty years” but that post-war, it risked having no market for its industrial output. Australia’s fears were compounded by the fact that, despite Australia’s essential “Britishness,” Anglo-Australian relations lacked geopolitical harmony. British prioritisation, as…
and contrast British approaches to education to British India and Africa. British India provided an apropos example of how education can successfully benefit…
Jill Ker Conway grew up in an oscillating household, experiencing economic failure, personal tragedy, social isolation, and eventual financial success. A gifted student, Conway eventually fled Australia, citing psychological distress and professional stagnation. Conway’s upbringing was largely similar to a rural American girl in the middle twentieth century. Facing social limitations, economic hardship, and controlling parents, Conway received similar autonomy to female Americans. However, her…
Thomas Paine wrote this paper to raise awareness, but remained anonymous to keep his life. In his pamphlets, Paine spoke about how wrong and twisted he believed the British government was. Common Sense was also heavily focused on how we need to win the fight against Britain and to gain our independence. For the first chapter in Thomas Paine’s pamphlets, a big focus was on monarchy and how it had a negative impact on the colonies, with the “wickedness”. Thomas Paine explained that through…