In September of 2014 the Baltimore Ravens were faced with a dilemma when their star running back, Ray Rice, was face charges of domestic violence against his girlfriend (Gonchar, npg.). The Baltimore Ravens would go on to cut Ray Rice from the team due to a breach in player contract, but not before the NFL gave him a two-game suspension. Ray Rice’s Image is now that of a person who beats women and sentence, that many perceived as to be considerably light despite the evidence, directly affected the image of the NFL, as it gave the appearance that the NFL was not concerned with protecting women. Whether that image was true or not is not important, but it is the fact that the image of player and the sentence handed down directly impacted the image of the sports organization that player worked for. People associate the images of the employees as that of the image…
Organizational strengths are positions of organizational power that are derived from the organization’s state of existence. Given the present-day struggles of the San Diego Chargers franchise it would be natural for one to assume that the Chargers franchise is devoid of any organizational strengths. In actuality, the Chargers franchise possesses a multitude of internal strengths, each of which are capitalized on to various extents. Of the many strengths possessed by the Chargers organization,…
It was a warm fall day. A grey Dodge minivan was driving along the plains of Nebraska. The destination of the vehicle was Denver, Colorado. More specifically they were going to a Denver Broncos football game between the Broncos and the Oakland Raiders. I was in the vehicle with my Mom, Dad, and some family friends whose names were Martin and Michelle. We were trying not to let the monotonous drive dwell on our spirits as we told jokes, listened to the radio and took the occasional nap. As…
He left collage a whole year early in order to carry out his plan of becoming a professional football player. After he enrolled into the NFL draft in 1996, he was a first round pick for the Baltimore Ravens where he played for the rest of his time as a middle linebacker. He lasted 17 years at one team, breaking a record for longest time playing for only one team. In his last season his team made it to the Super Bowl, where Lewis finished his last game ever, winning the MVP award. Through his…
Introduction The vulnerable population is made up of several groups of residents in Baltimore. These groups consist of the elderly, homeless, disabled, and immigrants. While researching about Baltimore City it has become apparent the biggest barrier to resource retrieval by vulnerable populations is their understanding of available help. These barriers vary by group and include reduced visual and audible abilities, lack of education leading to illiteracy, language barriers, and lack of…
tells the officer that he cannot breath and the officer doesn’t listen and just keeps choking him until he passed away. So there has been a lot of cases lately and police body cameras will make these cases more understandable of what happened that day and they will have more evidence of the case. That is also a reason that we need body cameras in all the states because these types of problems can happen in other states like Baltimore and many other states. Police officers had been hated on by…
With “2.9 televisions, 1.8 VCR’s, 3.1 radios, 2.6 tape player, 2.1 CD players, 1.4 video game players, and one television” it is common that most Americans get their news, and information from the media. In today’s world, escaping media has come close to impossible. In his article “Supersaturation, or, The Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling,” Gitlin states that many children, especially those who live in low income households, spend extensive amounts of time in front of the TV. The influence…
When I was little I lived in a very small town. A town so small that everyone knew everyone, we had two stop lights and a diner. The closest restaurant or department store was 30 plus minutes away. My fiancé grew up in grove city, He was one of the popular kids in school so he has a lot of friends who are of a different ethnicity. Growing up my parents let me adventure off, but never like what I did this past weekend. Mikey, my fiancé took me to one of his friends’ houses to hang out and watch a…
As I reflect on my present state of conciseness, I can honestly say the play, “The colored museum”, has helped shaped my thinking . “The colored museum” was a eye opener in the light of racism towards African Americans in The United States. This play was a precise indictment of the oppression and slavery blacks had to face through the making of America. The author George C. Wolfe, illustrated oppressed economic and social conditions that African Americans occupied and still do. These conditions…
Hypertension (HTN), the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, remains a national problem (Hanus, Simoes, Amboni, Ceretta, & Tuon, 2015). The prevalence rate of HTN is approximately 1 billion people around the world (Hanus et al., 2015). Moreover, complications from HTN cause an estimated 9.4 million deaths per year (Kjeldsen et al., 2014). It is important to understand HTN and the negative effects it can cause within the human body as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN).…