only acknowledge the athlete part and not the student part. I believe that academics come first and if a high school student wants to be an athlete, then getting good grades should be a requirement. It should be mandatory for teachers and coaches to check the grades of student athletes weekly to determine whether students are performing academically well or not. The students that aren’t doing well should be dismissed from any further games and practices until their grades improve. It is important that student athletes maintain good grades because the work that they put into their school performance carries with them through life, putting too much of an emphasis…
physical health can serve to improve test scores, grade point average, class rank and SAT scores, however, other factors such as social media could possibly take away valuable study time and can distract students from their much needed studies. A student’s social network must include peers who are positively excelling in academic performance in order to be beneficiary to this student. Sports and physical activity can help increase focus. While both of those play a positive role, not all factors…
The grading policy takes less stress off students and puts more stress on the faculty. Today, students just strive to make a 70 or above to pass and finish the course. The grading policy makes it easier for students to cheat or fail without any consequences. Students play the numbers in their head to see what grade they get so they don’t fail the course and have to go to summer school. Now, teachers run after their students to get them to turn in work so that they pass. However, the most effect…
again. If you are sick and need to go home, but cannot get a hold of your parents but get told you can 't leave. The fact that you have to get call to get permission from your parents or have your parent up here is ridiculous; we are in high school, surely not in kindergarten anymore. There is not a day that does not go by when we all feel mistreated by teachers and administrators at our school. If we are not allowed to have a attitude to you, then you cannot have a attitude with us. Such as…
Having worked my brain into a frenzy going over every single possible grade I was at the point where I just wanted it to be over. With little optimism I walked up to the teacher’s desk with a look of shame only a dog who had just been screamed at could rival. Hoping that the news would be short and sweet my teacher opened her mouth and a number unbelievable came out, “Seventy Two.” A shot of excitement shot through my body and my fear had been kicked out of my body and happiness gladly moved in.…
The union contract provides for interactions with teacher who have complaints, and stipulates that teachers can be forced into PAR to assist in improving the behavior that may be unacceptable by the administrator. PAR can last up to three years. If the problem is with teaching, the contract does not allow for the movement of that teacher as long as they are in PAR. The teacher can be moved into a grade level where the least amount of damage can be done. Some teachers can find themselves…
As any student knows, grades are reflective of their accomplishments in a given class. However, grades mean much more to students than whether they know the material or not. Grades mean whether or not someone will get into their college of choice, whether or not they have to retake that class they had failed as a result of an emotional semester, whether or not they are hired for a position against someone who graduated with a higher grade-point average (GPA). Students are under more duress than…
It is expected that each person will contribute equally to the report. The report must be typed on one side and be double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. The report should be clear and concise (not to exceed 10 pages, includes introduction and conclusion but exclude any appendices). Analyze the important issues and other relevant issues in the case comprehensively. The written report is due on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 (at the beginning of the class). Late submission will not be accepted…
grading standard has been followed for years to evaluate students, now is the time to change our education system as grading system affects learning and education of students. Students cannot be good or bad learners just based on couple questions asked by instructors or professors on a piece of paper known as a test. Grades can be a process of students’ evaluation, but it is not the sole way to decide whether a student is smart or not. Grading must not be a part of education system because…
of their score, it tends to cut down their self-esteem especially when their classmates find out. Maintaining excellent grades is not the most important thing for a high school student any longer. It is the excellent grades and a high SAT or ACT score. Students can earn a 4.0 GPA, but if their ACT or SAT scores do not meet the requirements, their chances of getting into their desired university and earning scholarships becomes less. Colleges can admit freshman regardless of the tests…