telecommunications companies are included in the supplier group. Agents, brokers, manufacturer representatives, and others who facilitate finding and selling to customers are included with distributors and dealers. The broad environment consists of six components: demographic environment, economic environment, natural environment, technological environment, political-legal environment, and social-cultural environment. These environments contain forces that can have a major impact on the actors in the task environment, which is why smart marketers track environmental trends and changes closely. Marketing Mix Marketers use numerous tools to elicit the desired responses from their target markets. These tools constitute a marketing mix:12 Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. As shown in Figure 1-3, McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.13 Marketing-mix decisions must be made to influence the trade channels as well as the final consumers. Typically, the firm can change its price, sales-force size, and advertising expenditures in the short run. However, it can develop new products and modify its distribution channels only in the long run. Thus, the firm typically makes fewer 9 10 CHAPTER 1 MARKETING IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Marketing Mix Product Place Product variety Quality…