Small and powerless: an utter failure and disappointment to myself is how I felt that October day of 2012, when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was a fifteen-year-old at the time, very underweight: 5’7 feet tall, weighing 79 pounds. I, however, used to eat uncontrollably, feeling an unsatisfied void in me that would seemingly never get fulfilled in spite of the amount of food I would consume. Many thought I battled with anorexia, when clearly, that was not the case. As a response to my family's concern, my mother drove me to the hospital one day to get blood tests done in order to determine the source of my condition. A nurse approached me, took a blood sample from my finger, and a number was shown in a machine that read that my glucose was over 500. I was then taken into a room, now feeling more apprehensive than ever, with my mom by my side. Anxiousness eclipsed my mind as I saw the endocrinologist enter, and told me that I had diabetes. My mind completely blanked out in shock, as one probably never expects such things to happen to oneself until ultimately, they do. My body finally reacted…
Writing Sample 2: Identity Prompt What would you say if someone asked you to describe you? I am Ali and i believe that there are many things that describe me. If someone asked me to describe myself, I would say the people that are close to me, my education, and my interests. The people that are close to me describe most of who I am. Most people have an example that they look up to. I look up to most of my friends and family. My friends show me how to be kind and gentle, while my family teaches…
METHODOLOGY: This study is based on qualitative interviews of my friends and family, that included both my parents and a 19-year-old White American, originally from New Jersey- who currently studies at Emory University with me. My parents, on the other hand, were raised in India, both in two major metropolitan cities of Mumbai (mother’s place of birth) and Bangalore (father’s place of birth). The first step in my study involved me gathering data on the family lives of my three respondents and…
My mother would often tell the story of when I was learning to ride my bike. I would fall down, get up and do it over again. I was determined to ride my bike home. I did. My mother would tell me this story every time I called her after I had fallen in one way or another. My mother passed away last year and although I still fall trying to pursue my dreams, I hear her words pushing me forward. Upon attending Fidm I plan to utilizing all of the colleges resources to refine and broaden my…
that they have been waiting for for what seemed like hours. Me and my huge family, Mom, Dad, me, Ellee, Casey, and Nora, of six were at Mackinaw City for a fun vacation so we were visiting Mackinac Island. “Let’s try Joann’s Fudge!” I demanded a little rudely. “Pleeaasse?” I add sweetly. “Sure.” Mom replied. “Yes!”…
definition of code-switching, I thought to myself and said I cannot deny that at all. Code-switching is the practice of alternating between two or more languages or varieties of language in conversation. Since finding out more about this topic, I have examined myself as I used it. There are plenty of ways that it can be utilized. Code-switching is associated with social media applications such as Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In. It may be used by the following: iMessage, FaceTime, Skype, and…
phonetics. The double R’s in very are an example of the stress placed on the word. The word cluster of tobe (to be) were repeating throughout the writing sample. The general area of punctuation was limited in this…
hardest decision that changed my life and that was the day I moved to the mainland from Hawaii. I’ve hesitated to do so but something was telling me to do it to better my life. I kept telling myself, “Volmer!, it’s too risky, but you have to trust your instinct and go”. Being away from my family is very hard but if I didn’t make these decisions, than I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now. Do I have any regrets? My answer would be no. I know one regret that I have is moving away from my…
disorders, diabetes, obesity, etc. I chose this career because my aunt is a To begin with, some strengths that make a person best for the job are having a good-natured personality, being able to accept delayed satisfaction, enjoy interacting and directing care for people, tolerating the faults of others, being comfortable around children, accepting schedule disruptions, and enjoy teaching people. There are certain skills and talents that would make me fit for the job, because I enjoy teaching…
November 9th 2016 was a mournful day for the majority of the people that I know, including myself. I believe that Michelle Agins analysis may have been accurate only in alignment with the sample that she has chosen. When first listening to this article I was astonished at the fact that those who “persevere” as opposed to the “coddled” were less affected. Her article may have said one thing but the looks of my Facebook account, and the depressing look I watched in my morning commute to work said…