What is a goal to you? A goal is a result or achievement toward which effort is directed. The three tools that have helped me the most were positive, clear, and attainable. These goals can be helpful during a summer camp. A few years ago, I ran into a situation where I was involved in a kid’s camp. It was my first time leading a young group of girls. The entire situation was challenging to me. The ultimate goal of the camp is to make sure these girls had a good time and would like to come back the following year. The goal seems reasonable, but there were several challenges along the way. Additionally, there were times where we had to mentor to the younger girls, which was a positive affect because it helped them get more confidence and courage…
I have had the experience with assessing if I ran my program efficiently for children who attend a camp program during the summer months in Baltimore City. As Camp Director of St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore Inc., a nonprofit human services organization, may task was to provide and organize a free academic and enrichment experience for children ages 5 to 12 years old who currently reside in either transitional housing or homeless shelter environments. My first year of employment consisted…
I spent the summer of 2016 at a summer camp. It had been the longest time I had spent away from home. I met a guy there. He felt like home. He was very judgemental and persuasive. He didn't let me think on my own and he gave me an opinion of everything I did. He was just like my parents. I ended up dating him within a few days. He rushed into a relationship way too quickly, but he was exactly what my parents wanted. After all, isnt that what matters most, to please my parents? He lived in…
4-H program in 2016. • 210 Kanawha County youth participated in summer camping programs including Kanawha county day and residential camps, and state camps. • 2,178 youth received nutrition education yearly through the Family Nutrition Program.…
Ever since I was eight, I would travel to an all girls camp, during the summer, called “The Summer Camp”. The trip was an 8 hour death ride from Manhattan, New York City to Washington, Maine. The first time I arrived, I hated it, because campers could not obtain electronic devices, as mentioned before, Maine was far from my home, and lastly, my comfort zone was an urban, fast pace city, not the woods. Additionally, the camp had schedules to follow. Breakfast started at 8 am and ended at 9:30 am,…
budget are quite restricted. The tournament has previously expanded operations twice. In 2011, a female handball division was created and a male flag football division for high school students was added in 2012. The previous expansions mean the Classic has the operational capacity to accommodate future growth in the existing market segments. Howard is the founder and the primary decision maker of the Classic and is supported by a five-member committee of volunteers. Howard’s experience in the…
A summer camp in engineering physics for incoming freshman to improve retention and student success Summer camps have proven to be a valuable tool to attract and recruit students interested in pursuing a career in the STEM. They have been also used to spark their curiosity in areas like mathematics. However, the camps do not address issues that happen after the students have been admitted at the university. It is well known that many students are shocked when they transition from high-school to…
of ADA guidelines impacts the process of camper registration. For example, it is not technically legal for a camp to put campers with disabilities on a wait list. In some districts, they are not allowed to put a permanent cap on the capacity of campers for each summer camp because of this. Unless the ratio of camper to counselor/staffer becomes a safety problem or the over-abundance of campers causes a drain on the city’s budget, they are required to make the cap flexible to allow more…
Marketing Challenge This report discusses the situation faced by Josh Howard as at October 2012 in regards to the 2013 Toronto’s Intercamp Classic Annual Charity event. The marketing challenge is to raise 25% more money during the 2013 event than the $125,000 raised in 2012 and amounts to a donation goal of $156,250. The 2013 event is in support of the Kids in Camps charity which aims to send underprivileged kids to summer camp. It is scheduled for May 5, 2013 and the kickoff campaign launches…
How do you feel safe when you hear about your nation’s military? Perhaps the opposite. Nations such as the USA, China and Russia had always had a strong patriotism within their civilians helping them boost a larger, stronger and a better morale military. For this cause many governments have created ways in which they attempt to inspire the underaged population. One of the techniques are through military summer camps. The most famous camps of this category can be found in the USA, Russia, China,…