He didn't go for the exit, but instead, he drove towards the back of the parking lot. I was so confused what was happening. I assumed he knew a short cut to get to my grandparents house. He drove to the very back of the lot and parked the car. This made me very uneasy and I asked him what he was …show more content…
I was in shock and before I knew it I was in the back of his car, naked. He forced himself on me. I was a 130 pound 5'7 16-year-old girl who was being raped by a 6 foot 190-pound 18-year-old extremely strong guy. After a few moments, I realized that I could get out of it. I don't know why exactly it took me so long, but I do know I was so scared for my life that I went along with it. While he was raping me I took the palm of my hand and with all of my strength I hit his nose and he got off of me and was holding his nose. I fought towards the door with my clothes and ran into hiding. I quickly put my clothes on and started walking around trying to find my way back to my grandparent's house in a city I had never been in before. I didn't want to call anybody for help because my parents don't have the same view about sexual assault and rape like I wish they did. If I had called 911 they would've called my family and it would be a big ordeal. I couldn't handle to go through more trouble than I already had gone through that night. I was walking along the road after asking a stranger for the directions towards my grandparent's