The use of ICT in the daily mathematics lesson can be central to creating an inclusive environment where all children are engaged in learning. On the most basic level children, or so I have witnessed, find using computers and other technologies "cool". It arouses their interests and "seems to provide a focal point which encourages interaction between pupils, as well as between pupils and the technology itself" (BECTA. 2003). Using technologies such as computers, interactive whiteboards, audio recorders and projectors helps to provide learning opportunities for each child in the classroom. Visual learners will respond to seeing diagrams, charts and graphs on a computer screen or interactive whiteboard and manipulating these images; kinaesthetic learners have the opportunity to use a mouse or interactive whiteboard pen to move and manipulate shapes, numbers and images; auditory learners can listen to, and record, songs and rhymes on audio equipment. The use of ICT in mathematics can also be very beneficial for children with special educational needs such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and speech and language difficulties. It can allow them to work more autonomously, communicate using a varied range of means, work on tasks specifically tailored to their needs and "demonstrate achievement in ways which might not be possible with traditional methods."…
USING ICT IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION LOKENDRA KUMAR OJHA Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab Abstract There are several topics in chemistry which required computational technique to learn and use of ICT enhance learning capacity of learner as well as facilitator. The present article deals with the use of ICT in some of the topic of chemistry. We tried to overcome from routine chalk and talk method to understand the several topic viz. stereochemistries, IUPAC…
Impacts of Cultural Globalization Causes an Effect on Cultural Diversity in ICT Introduction Cultural globalization is defined as a phenomenon experienced in everyday of peoples’ lives, influenced by the dispersal of ideas and assets (James L. Watson, 2016). This is a process that involves the exchanging of ideologies and views through people. Ideas of culture are spreading faster than ever with new technology as an aid. Impacts of cultural globalization have on cultural diversity includes…
We have come to an end of an era as the old ICT Curriculum is replaced by a more up-to-date Computing Curriculum Programme of Study (PoS) that will enhance the learning of the pupils and prepare them for the “digital world” we live in. According to Education Secretary Michael Gove, the current ICT curriculum has not been able to equip and prepare the children to the “new world” and that there is a need to “develop skills for the 21st century” to eradicate the skills deficiency in the job…
To gain a deeper understanding on what ICT literacy is, or what standards are included on being ICT literate, one must first define the two words which constitute the term. ICT is the technologies that aid the collection, processing or the circulation of information or data. Meanwhile, literacy is the ability to classify, comprehend, interpret, construct, communicate, compute and use written and printed materials connected with different contexts. Literacy requires continuous learning to allow…
and communication technologies all over the world has brought many major transformations in the field of education and other fields of life. The paper deals with need of using ICT in education as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in education. What is ICT Information communication and technology in general relates to the sophisticated and expensive computer based technology, but it also includes more conventional technology such as Radio, TV, phone, Tapes etc. According…
In their article, “Paulo Freire and ICTs: Liberatory Education Theory in a Digital Age,” John F. Freie and Susan M. Behuniak mainly discuss liberation and oppression in education when ICTs involved. They stand on the same side as Paulo Freire, arguing that the dominant tendency of computers employed in college class reinforced Freire’s “banking system” type of education. They also presented Freire’s Liberatory Pedagogy and applied different types of ICTs to prove the reliability of Freire’s…
The relevance of ICTs in modern pedagogy Motivation has always been a problem when we talk about education. Techniques were used to try to counter this problem. One in particular is getting our attention. Technologies are being adapted to education in order to increase the student’s level of motivation. The question is: Is it relevant to use information and communication technologies in education? If yes, how does it affect the modern education? First of all, what are information and…
NETS-T (teachers) The FSL module Planning ICT Integration (2013), lists the four stages of staff capabilities as defined by the STaR Chart, developed in Florida as a rubric for planning technological integration, as, Entry (awareness)- staff begin to see the benefits of technology in education. Intermediate (acceptance)- staff accept that technology has a role in education. Advanced (adopted) - staff have embraced and adopted technology as a part of a…
The deployment of the ICTs in rural areas is the single most important factor hindering the implementation of distance education in those locations. Evaluate this statement. There is wide consensus in government and non-government circles, both within individual countries and across many multilateral organisations that the information and communication technologies (ICTs) are critical to overall economic and social development and in particular to human development. With regard to human…