Analysis Of Paulo Freire And Icts

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In their article, “Paulo Freire and ICTs: Liberatory Education Theory in a Digital Age,” John F. Freie and Susan M. Behuniak mainly discuss liberation and oppression in education when ICTs involved. They stand on the same side as Paulo Freire, arguing that the dominant tendency of computers employed in college class reinforced Freire’s “banking system” type of education. They also presented Freire’s Liberatory Pedagogy and applied different types of ICTs to prove the reliability of Freire’s theory in today’s digital age. They want readers to be more sensitive to the political nature of the technologies.
They begin with a review of the digital technologies and how different scholars interpret the value of all those ICTs employed in the classroom. Then, they review Freire’s Liberatory Pedagogy, and how oppression may occur when ICTs are involved in education. Next, they use three concepts central to Freire’s philosophy of education to explore what liberatory pedagogy means in a digital age. They end by suggesting what Freire offers in formulating a liberatory educational theory for the digital age. Freie and Behuniak first discuss the digital technologies used in the college classroom. Starting with the use of computer-based instruction (CBI), Kulik reports that “students generally test at higher levels, learn quick, and report more positive attitudes about their courses than students in the controlled conditions without computer” (Kulik qtd. In Freie and Behuniak 339). PowerPoint can provide a more systematic structure of the lecture and can keep the student on focusing the lecture. But outcomes for the academic performance itself are mixed; some report helpful in result and some are not. So they conclude that the effectiveness of PowerPoint depends on the teaching method or the student’s learning style. Also, the research of Internet-Based instruction is sparse. Although studies show that the achievement of students in traditional settings is nearly the same as that in internet settings, students in traditional settings “hold more positive views about the instructor and their relationship with the instructor” (Johnson qtd. In Freie and Behuniak 339). Many scholars have examined the benefit of digital technologies employed in the classroom, but their assertions all seem to be “based on a superficial understanding of concepts such as participation, engagement, active learning, and even knowledge” (340). In order to better understand the concept of participation, engagement, active learning, Freie and Behuniak put forward the oppression of education and ‘banking education’ Freire defined by traditional education.
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Under banking education, teachers control everything, they lead the class, and they even manage the thought of the class. They are oppressors and students are objects, “empty jugs”, waiting to be filled in. Freie and Behuniak also put it to a higher standard, to a larger social scale. Banking education is referred as the third face of power, a “hidden” form of control of the citizenry. So Freie and Behuniak then tell us what is liberatory education. Liberatory education relies on practice. The understanding of knowledge consists the act of cognition. So teachers should create the possibility for the production or construction of knowledge. In order to explore the central question of what liberatory pedagogy means in a digital age, Freie and Behuniak use three concepts to examine three digital technologies, PowerPoint, audience response system, and the Internet. PowerPoint is widely used all over the world in different area. It is now employed in the classroom, by which teacher use it to make lectures. PowerPoint has lots of advantages: It fluent the structure of the lecture: For teachers, it really helps them to concentrate on the lecture and make the lecture more efficient and qualified; for students, it help students to better understand what the teacher is talking about and help them to construct a comprehensive structure of knowledge. However, some …show more content…
The benefit of clickers is that all the student can get involved in the class, which is a great opportunity for introverted students to express their thought through. Teachers can also get the satisfaction of getting immediate feedback from students. However, many people claim that the participation of clicker is fraudulent participation. It only gives the appearance of participation but not covering up the fact that teacher controls the subject. Clickers help oppressors to force students to accept the world of the teacher controlled classrooms. The participation of clicker is so

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