Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach, an insightful poem, warns its readers about the dangers of the world in an attempt to make them feel better. The poem compares the harsh reality of its readers’ isolation in the world to various images of oceanic scenes. In his first stanza, Arnold emphasizes the importance of distinguishing the difference between illusion and reality through his constant change from a beautiful to disheartening tone. Arnold’s “Sea of Faith” metaphorically attributes the decline of religion as a priority to new scientific discoveries and the constant revolutions in Europe surrounding him at the time. Dover Beach offers salvation from this dismal world without religion through the only sufficient thing left: truth. The truth, though…
The Importance of Sacrifice in The Road Cormac McCarthy’s The Road portrays a post-apocalyptic world containing nothing but the distinct loss of morality and desperate attempts to survive. In this cruel world, while most become bestial and corrupt, a father and his son struggle to find ways to stay alive while simultaneously keeping hope alive and staying humane in their ways. The sacrifices made by the man strengthen his relationship with his son and help maintain the only thing they have…
Even though we have an increased need for global governance, we still need actors to solve problems. We can guess the future based off the events of history and how we know the world works. To begin with, Francis Fukuyama’s idea presented in “The End of History?” provides many flaws.…
around. Being in so many libraries throughout the world, I can honestly say that they are some of the most magical places in the world. Windows wind up the walls as well, there was not a torch or lamp anywhere, the light is all natural and completely beautiful coming through the stained glass designs. In the center of the room stands Daichi and Anika along with Shun, looking…
One of the most wanted careers in the world today is acting. Not many have the skill and drive to achieve successful career in that department. Many desire the job for the fame and money, but some love it for the pure joy of performing. There are many appealing aspects of the job such as flexible work hours, recognition by the public, and the salary if you become big. One has to be able to take the dedicated time it takes to perfect the craft. Even though natural talent is something that is…
technology and people don’t like to change so they can 't keep up. When we are young we learn a lot of things, it is during our early years where we form our basic world view, that view doesn 't really change that much after our early years. It is during the first years of our life that our brain develops the fastest. During this time, by observing the world around you, you form…
In a bleak, monochromatic wasteland, a “banished sun circles the Earth like a grieving mother with a lamp” (32). For the inhabitants of this barren, post-apocalyptic world, man’s bravest feat is waking up in the morning—mornings that are met not with symphonic sparrows and songs of the world’s awakening, but with the all-encompassing reality of loss. Nights are “dark beyond darkness,” and the dawning of each new day promises a progressive descent into grey (1). Nature is an impoverished mother:…
Social Problem: Mass Shooting One of the problem that has been occurring in the 21st century was the increase of the mass shooting that has been occurring worldwide. This is known to be one of the major social problem that the world is currently facing right now. This social problem gave many people an insight of the hatred that has been occurring in the world. This social problem is linked to many of the suffering and pain that majority of the world is still facing. To solve the…
As a believer in Christ, it is the root belief that God is actively involved in His creation. Even when mankind fell into sin, God made a plan to redeem his children by sending his Son Jesus to die on the cross for everyone’s sins. I believe that God is actively involved in life thru the Holy Spirit. As Christ followers, there is a desire to please God by showing His love and kindness to others. It is by Christ’s example that sets us apart from the world. As of now I do now know exactly what my…
Earth has become an issue all throughout the world and has been the number one problem due to the lack of attention we put on it. Many might not consider it an issue because we see the problems everyday thinking it’s normal, however it affects us along with the Earth. This has an impact on the world because we are the ones who come across problems involving the Earth and we don’t do anything about it. Although the Earth faces many issues such as gases out on the atmosphere and climate change…