Over 60 million people die a year from smoking cigarettes ("Smoking"). Tobacco is made of lots of chemicals.The great american smoke has been trying to stop people from smoking. There are many reasons that smoking should be banned in public places. Due to the faulty effects cigarettes have on adults and the bad effects secondhand smoke has on children smoking should be banned in public places Cigarettes can cause second smoke can cause second hand smoke in children. Children's bodies are still in the developing stage and are exposed to the chemical poisons in cigarettes("Health Effects of Secondhand").It's hard for kids to fight off the things in the cigarettes so they are at risk for secondhand smoke and even death. 25,00 children die every year from secondhand smoke("Effects of Secondhand Smoking Children¨). It can cause many health defects and can be very dangerous. Secondhand smoke is a known cause of low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, middle ear infection, and other diseases("Effects of Secondhand Smoking Children¨).There are many bad chemicals and dangerous…
Cigarette smoking is the inhalation of the gases and hydrocarbon vapors generated by slowly burning tobacco in cigarettes. The practice stems partly from the effect on the nervous system of the nicotine contained in the smoke. Cigarette smoke is addictive and is considered more dangerous than pipe or cigar smoke because it is less irritating and therefore more likely to be inhaled (Elsevier). As more parents begin to smoke, children are slowly being killed by secondhand smoke because of their so…
the most repulsive acts a person commits is smoking. Having all of those carcinogens going into your body is like a death sentence. To top it off, people who smoke publicly affect their peers. Having designated smoking areas in public places would reduce the risk of second hand smoking. There are too many health risks that affect victims of secondhand smoke. Smoking areas would not only lessen the amount of people affected by secondhand smoke, but it would also decrease the number of people who…
smoke leaving the addicts body. With nearly 42.1 million people in the United States smoking cigarettes, this addiction has become a problem to say the least. “For decades, the public health community in the United States has asserted that cigarette smoking is the most deadly epidemic of modern times” (Verheij 1). According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, every one in five million Americans will die from a cigarette smoking-caused illness. Why is this problem never addressed? Simply…
Introduction According to the 2014 Surgeon General’s report on smoking, two and a half million people have died from diseases caused by exposure to secondhand smoke since 1964 in the United States. Most people know that smoking is not only damaging to the health of the smoker but what some people might not know is that smoking is damaging to the people who happen to walk past a smoker on the street. Whether you know it or not, you have been exposed to secondhand smoke, and your life may be at…
Everyone knows that smoking is dangerous for your body, but it’s also harmful for non-smoker being exposed to these harsh chemicals. People who are exposed to smoke are more likely to have lung diseases, cancer, and many more health problems. In the Cdc.gov fact sheet it’s reported that “Since 1964, approximately 2,500,000 nonsmokers have died from health problems caused by exposure to secondhand smoke.” Secondhand smoking is dangerous for adults but more so for children because their lungs are…
Secondhand Smoking Can Harm Your Loved Ones You had a very long day in anatomy class and it is finally over. While on your way out to your car, someone is smoking just outside of the entrance and the puff of smoke they just exhaled is now in your line of path. The wind is blowing very hard that day mainly back in your face. Before you know it, the wind takes your breath away. As you are gasping in your attempt to catch your breath you end up inhaling the secondhand smoke from the person…
close to half of a million people die from cigarette-related illnesses every year. “In addition, smoking has been estimated to cost the United States $96 billion in direct medical expenses and $97 billion in lost productivity annually.” Smoking can affect the world around us just as much as smokers’ personal lives and bodies. Lung cancer is just one of many illnesses…
can cause cancer, and inhaling secondhand smoke can be just as harmful as smoking itself. Secondhand smoke is a key element to evaluate as it has been proven to cause addiction in nonsmokers and has detrimental side effects on a person 's health. According to the National Cancer Institute living with a smoker increases a non smoker 's chance of developing lung cancer by…
Smoking… some see it as something that is cool; some see it as a stress reliever; many don’t see the problems that it possesses! Smoking is proven to destroy the body in multiple fashions; it affects the mind and body of the person smoking. Stopping smoking in places frequented by children; educate people of the dangers of smoking, and abolish secondhand smoking for good should be a top priority. Although any normal conversation or essay about smoking typically would highlight the effects on…