answers, they were classified into four categories: combustible only use, noncombustible only use, combustible and noncombustible use, and no tobaccos use. Lastly, they were categorized under certain sociodemographic characteristics including: sex, age group, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, marital status, annual household income, US Census region, sex orientation, and whether they lived in a household with children aged less than seventeen. Moreover, the data were analyzed. The landline data were weighted by the invers of the probability of selection of telephone number, a nonresponse adjustment, and adjustment for the number of landlines, and number of eligible subjects in the household. The cellular telephone data were weighted by the inverse of probability of selection of the telephone number and nonresponse adjustment. Then, data were postratified according to distribution of demographic variables and telephone type. As a result, the national and state estimates were calculated differently. National included both landline and cellular; whereas, state only cellular respondents. Subsequently, the overall analysis result into several outcomes. Nationally, 64.5% of adults reported SHS exposure as very harmful, 31.5% as somewhat harmful, and 4.0% as not harmful at all. This perception was higher in females, respondents with unspecified sexual orientation, those living with children aged less than 17, and those from West. By state, the perceptions were 73.5% as very…
Martin Cooper, inventor of the first portable cellular telephone, once said: “Given a choice, people will demand the freedom to communicate wherever they are, unfettered by the infamous copper wire.” Martian believed that people would always want to communicate with each other at any given moment, in response to that; he created one of the greatest inventions known to man. The enhancement of technology has resulted in the increase of gaining knowledge and the incline of communication. We can see…
In addition to the wide catalog of innovative technology on display, the Exhibition was very well known for hosting some of the most iconic inventors in history. “One new invention which interested hardly anybody, yet which would affect the nation profoundly, was Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone. It attracted less notice than the packages of magic tricks on sale nearby” (Brown 132-133). Although Bell was not a United States citizen at the time, his invention was displayed on American soil and…
Prefer hand-written communication during holidays. Traditionally, people write thank you notes and well-wishes during holidays. Now we can do the same task in various ways including electronic. Technology has shaped our communication in a such a way that hand-written notes are rare. Thus, expressing such wishes during holidays using hand-written notes can mean a lot to the recipient and overall communication can be deemed effective. 6. Prioritize face-to-face communication. There are various…
What would my employees think? Am I a pushover? Will more complaints occur? In order to avoid these questions and any resulting regret the decision was made based on the regret theory (Plous, 1993 p.101). 3. Compare and contrast your understanding of judgment and/or decision making using these three different theoretical approaches. My understanding of the judgment was based on the surrounding context. The baseline for the behavior of the employee was determined by a reference point,…
year old chemistry professor believe that emailing is the solution to everything such as creating appointments or hanging out with friends. Tara supposes “when you ask for a phone call the expectation is that you have pumped it up a level”(Turkle 375). That is, when you ask for a phone call you are calling for something that can not be discussed over email that may be meaningful. For example, a family member that has been deceased. Additionally, Leonora claims that she uses emails to make…
My passion for Communication started from my high school when my teacher introduced me to the fact that telephone was first invented by Alexander Graham Bell. It made me curious that approximately 100 years ago when the telephone was invented; communicating with people who were far away from us was very difficult. The telegraph had already been invented, but it hasn’t been fast enough. It has caused some problems in urgent events. Telephone came and has solved these problems and also this was…
created. In 1879 Thomas Edison created the light bulb. Since then the light bulb has been perfected countless times and it is truly a gigantic millstone on human history. If the light bulb were never invented we would miss out on all the activities that could be done at night. For example imagine driving without your headlights? I can’t imagine that because it is really dangerous. A far less drastic example would be just walking around your house after the sunsets. You would have to light…
for a simple phone call. Society would rather receive an email or a text so that they have the opportunity to reply at their convenience. Turkle speaks of phone calls more as a chore. It is something the individual feels they are required to do but would rather not. The effects of modern technology, positive and negative, have helped society to understand the past, present, and future. With technology we are able to compare means of activism from a time before technology to the means of…
Do you remember the first time you asked someone out? Do you remember what you said and the emotions you felt? Did you ask through text, over the phone, or in person? The Initial Ask calls for a checklist of criteria, all of which are covered in the second chapter of Modern Romance: By Aziz Ansari. Whether you’re calling or texting or even meeting in person, asking out your love interest can be tricky. Our tech based society is filled with communication possibilities. The most prevalent means…