We, the students of Professor Bart Goddard’s Differential Equations class (M 427J), are writing to you about a recent incident for which he is at risk of losing his position in the university. During the 12:00 PM class on Wednesday, February 22, 2017, Professor Goddard told a cautionary tale about how, in the Holocaust, Nazi engineers used lime to prevent blood from ruining the train tracks of the trains carrying the Jews to the camps, calling on the engineering students in the audience to understand the implications of their work and to avoid evildoing. As a result, he was relieved of his teaching duties on Friday morning, for two class sessions and is currently in a state of limbo pending the decision of the dean for his case. However, we believe that the professor in no way attacked, demeaned, or otherwise discredited a student, race or religious affiliation (nor intended to do so) with his story. Furthermore, the story he told does not reflect his ability to effectively teach the course at all, and it is not representative of his highly positive relationship with his classes as a whole. Professor…
have access to.Weatherford College 's office/bookstore hours are currently from 7:45 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. making it very difficult to acquire assistance for full time working and night students. Most working students work between 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and most night students are in class between 6:00 P.M. to 9:15 P.M. Students also only have limited hours to the Jim Wright Library on Monday-Thursday 7:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. and Friday-Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and closed on sundays. Lastly,…
Times Speaker Name (Title) Birmingham 2/4/2016 1 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Jeffrey (Jeff) Brown (Marketing Manager) Baltimore 2/9/2016 1 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Dr. Laura Reich (Marketing Manager) Philadelphia 2/10/2016 1 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Dr. Laura Reich (Marketing Manager) Houston 2/17/2016 3 10:00 AM - 11:55 AM 1:00 PM - 2:55 PM 3:00 PM - 4:55 PM Session 1 - Jay Hurt (General Manager) Session 2 - Peter Gardner (Marketing Manager) Session 3 - Jay Hurt and Peter Gardner" Phoenix 2/18/2016 1 10:00 AM…
i Know various amount of ways to handle hackers Hackers Firstly, If someone has reported a hacker I will vanish myself and tp to the hacker whilst recording, If it 's obvious I 'll give him a perm ban or if he admits ill 1 week ban. If it 's not obvious how ever, I will Screenshare him If I found a macro or something which is illegal on the server I will ban him permanently, If he is clean I will apologize for accusing him of horrid activities and tell him to have a nice day. Spammers If…
Curfew was at eleven, so I figured I could tour around the campus. After taking a one hour long nap. Heather decided to practice, inevitably disturbing me from my slumber. At the end, I sealed my mocha black-brown hair in a hideous bun, which could bring second-hand embarrassment to hair stylists everywhere. Dressed in a pair of knee high leggings and a t-shirt, I slipped on my white sneakers and went for a jog. Mum forced this habit upon my older brother and I during our childhood. Michael…
sometimes I question my curiosity of time. I feel that there isn’t enough time in a day because we give the symbol of what 12:00 means *lunch, 3:00 school dismissal, so how can we fit everything and be part of the children’s investigations? This is a complicated task, we want to be part of their learning and curiosity allowing them to do whatever they feel but time comes in the way. The thing with twelve numbers, one big hand and one little hand becomes a universal symbol that we all follow and…
change move forward consistently and severely. Perspective for Bishop is the key to seeing which helps the reader understand the shifting perspectives within the poem. Throughout the poem, “Paris, 7a.m.,” Bishop explores the themes of travel and home within geography and time to find one’s place within space and time. In the first stanza, the speaker walks around the apartment looking at all the clocks. The speaker understands time through different points of view such as The troubled…
The pertinent clock genes include cry1, Per2, Bmal1, Clock and Rev-erba.33 Clock genes, along with their circadian rhythm roles, control cell proliferation, apoptosis, immune response, hypoxia, angiogenesis, tumor genesis, tumor progression and…
vest. It is a very unique watch, one that I am very fond of because it is one of the only things that was ever given to me before…before my world was lost to isolation and fear. I try not to think of the time before, not that there is much I can remember, but the watch always holds a piece of memory for me that is somehow warm and comforting. Call it overly sentimental to be so attached to a timepiece, but it is a part of me. I close my eyes against the gold designs on the watch’s case and…
They didn't know this would happen. Nobody did. And now they will pay. As the world came into focus, I realized my phone was not ringing as it was in my dream. It was my alarm clock, honking it’s tune at me, signaling that it was time to get up. I smashed my hand on the snooze button, missed, and instead, I smashed my hand on the corner of my bedside table. “OWWWW!” I yelled jumping out of bed to look at my hand. Thankfully, there was only minor bleeding. As I went to clean up my hand and put…