While Taylor and Lou Ann were sitting at Dog Doo Park, Turtle mentions the wisteria plant. Taylor looks at the plant and says, “‘Will you look at that,’ I said. It was another miracle. The flower trees were turning into bean trees” (194). Dog Doo Park is very barren other than the wisteria vines and a few shade trees. The park is very desolate and dreary. The fact that these wisteria vines grow and produce beans is a miracle, considering the other foliage in the park. These beans exemplify new beginnings and perseverance. Taylor, Turtle and even Lou Ann endure so much together. These plants mentioned throughout the story are a constant reminder of their trials and tribulations. The plant signifies their collective and individual growth. As Catherine Himmelwright writes in her article “Kingsolver’s Merger of American Western Myth and Native American Myth in The Bean Trees, “Although Kingsolver focuses on the relationships that occur in the human world, she describes these…
he would later help. “And you my darling, did you finish cleaning the pedestal?” “Oh,no, I did not” she slowly stated. The girl, again walked to her room and decided to clean the pedestal, as she wanted to do with her regrets. When she looked at the rose, it had turn jet black, it was completely dead. She thought that maybe that was the signal, but that was the reason why she was cleaning it, because all of the leaves were in the floor and it was not beautiful to have a black rose. She…
Whitford and Wisteria Allgood are siblings who have recently been accused of being a witch and wizard by the newest political party the New Order. Kidnapped in the middle of the night by the New Order who are trying to take over the world and capture all humans with magical powers whether they know they have them or not, just like Whit and Wisty. They are surprised and annoyed when stuck up classmate Byron Swain controls their arrest. They are each allowed to take one item with them. Without any…
Charlotte Gilman’s “The Giant Wisteria” was an important work in regards to women, not only in literature but every day life. The short story starts off with a woman conversing with her mother about wanting her child. The mother tells her to be quiet so her father does not overhear her. This implied, in my eyes, the child must have been born out of wedlock. It shows that even then people did not want to accept children or look at children differently when they are born outside of a marriage.…
color compositions of the pieces give the shades a stained-glass effect. Most of his lampshade designs feature some sort of lush scene of flowers and plants, or insects such as dragonflies and butterflies. According to David Brady in his article of Tiffany’s work at the Metropolitan, the objects and scenes included in Tiffany’s lamps are things that represented him while he studied in Europe. One of Tiffany’s most popular lamp creations, Water lily lamp, encompasses a shade that features…
In the poem Wisteria Vines, the speaker uses the motif of beauty springing from ugliness from The Bean Trees to communicate the theme of the importance of family and community, emphasizing how family, regardless of how atypical it may be, is necessary to "bloom" into something beautiful. This concept is stressed in the final stanza of the poem, when the speaker states, “The rhizobia are not actually a part of the plant, but they always live with the legumes: a kind of underground railroad moving…
As Taylor read a book to Turtle, she reads, “ . . . Wisteria vines . . . often thrive in poor soil, the book said. Their secret is something called rhizobia. These are microscopic bugs that live underground in little knots on the roots. . . . The rhizobia are not actually part of the plant, they are separate creatures, but they always live with legumes: a kind of underground railroad moving secretly up and down the roots” (305). Rhizobia help the wisteria vines thrive in harsh environment. Just…
For example, in the The Bean Trees, Kingsolver uses figurative language to represent the importance of community by comparing a person to a plant. In Tucson, Taylor discovers a plant that, weirdly enough, thrives in the desert. The plant, wisteria, flourishes because of a community made up of rhizobia that are, “...a whole invisible system…” like Taylor’s friends who, “...you’d never guess was [were] there.” supporting her. (Kingsolver 241). Then, Taylor concludes that, without a secret network…
They were first identified in 2009 near the airport in Atlanta and spread quickly throughout Georgia. By 2012, kudzu bugs had expanded their range to include Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee. In 2017, kudzu bugs were identified in Texas as well as Maryland. Kudzu bugs received their nickname because of their fondness for the kudzu vine, which is itself an invasive species from Asia. However, kudzu bugs are equally fond of soybean plants, wisteria and…
Clipping is the shortening of a word, for example the shortened word for Advertisement is Ad; Acronyms is the abbreviation of a word, this is very popular in today’s culture especially in texting for example one of the most used Acronyms is “LOL” which stands for Laugh Out Loud; and Backformation is the process where it’s starts off as a plural and changes into a singular, it’s also viewed as a type of clipping, for example Tamales is the backformation of Tamale. With so many words entering…