a bright orange, the sun was white, its water was blue and its land was a darker orange, compared to the sky. Its civilization was one of the greatest in the galaxy, and peace was almost always stabilized, thanks to its incredible peace force. The inhabitants generally wore suits akin to a jester, without the crazy hats and flamboyant shoes. They looked very similar to humans, except their skin was entirely white. Due to the fact that there was always peace on Chesla, there weren't many fighters, and even less martial arts teachers, especially since fighting was frowned upon in society. It wasn't until Age 742 when a real fighter was born. He was born from an average fighter and a brilliant scientist, who decided, upon consent from his mom, that he would become a fighter. He was named Melait, and born as the sole elite in his world. He was first trained by his mother when he was three, who knew some martial arts skills, which she learned during her free time, but surpassed her in a mere six months. This rate of growth wasn't seen before at such a young age, so knowing that he would be the planet's protector, he was sent to train under the only great fighter on Chesla, Yaougan. He learned how to fly and use ki under him, and although he was meant to train under him for the rest of his life, he also surpassed him when he was four. However, it was in Age 746, Melait's life changed forever.…
cities, clean beaches, serene mountain retreats, rich cultures and festivities to enjoy and rejuvenate. In any part of the year, India can offer a wide selection of destinations and experiences. In summer, there are lovely retreats amidst the heady beauty in the Himalayas or the lush-heights of the Western Ghats with cool trekking trails, tall peaks, or stretches of white water for the adventure seekers. In the cool Indian winter, cities come alive with cultural feasts of music and dance. The…
00.0% The uniqueness of the text CREATE ORIGINAL ESSAY desert I arrived in the Abu Dhabi desert, the view amazed me, it was so elegant and mesmerizing that for an instant I forgot about the sweltering heat that penetrated my skin. The sky looked like lashes of water color, with spots of red and blue, and at some points they joined to form a shade of indigo and lilac. There were many spotted clouds above, that filled the sky with their pure white puffiness, but it was the vivid sun that I could…
Mejia Xesspe. Though the real extent was discovered by planes flying over the desert in the 1930s. Later the American professor Paul Kosok found himself at the end of a line on June 22 the day after the winter solstice. At the end of the day, he looked up to find that the line was in perfect alignment with the setting sun. Then a German woman, Maria Reiche was also known as the Lady of the Lines, dedicated 40 years to studying and protecting the lines from clueless tourists. The lines are…
corruption that was being revealed in the Nixon White House it seemed to many that all aspects of quotidian life were under siege. In this essay I will conjecture that The Exorcist is a commentary on the fears of white, middle class, middle aged, Anglican and Catholic American’s whose creeping unease over social and political change were presented to them unceremoniously in a “graphic desecration of everything that was considered wholesome and good about the fading American Dream. ” Those who…
The dry, desolate desert stretched out beyond him. Nothing but red-brown dirt for miles. no building or people, just the big blazing hot sun above. Everything was still, except for the occasional gust of warm wind that would rustle his hat and send a tumbleweed rolling slowly across the ground. The sun baked the ground so it had long cracks running through it. Sometimes a cactus would stand lonely on its own. He wasn't old, but he did not look young. His hair was dirty and untidy, but he…
In the short story “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, there are many symbols that may be interpreted as different things. The book has several main symbols throughout it. These symbols include the land, the light, the alcohol, the train station, and the white elephant. Many people have different interpretations of what they think the symbols mean and what each stand for exactly. As the story begins, we are introduced to the setting which is described as brown and dry with no shade…
It's a rainy day, of that kind of thunderous rain that digs your cheeks when, needlessly, you seek with the nose a cheekbone of sun. It's a day, this one, in which the rain seems not to find peace, and it collects inside the hands' baskets of beggars and spreads over the din of roundabouts, when the road is a long canvas punctured by irregular splinters of sky, disturbed by gargling traffic and tires and nervous girls with wet skirts on the sidewalks. I observe the rain while the street narrows…
various sports and activities finally ends with a gut-wrenching cracking sound, a rush of heat courses through me, contrasting the cold winter air, as the salty taste of blood quickly fills my cold, dry mouth as I bite my tongue. Pain floods through my mouth like a tsunami, conveniently distracting me from my numb arm. My mood immediately shifts from joyful and full of glee, to dread and fear. I fearfully turn my shaking head and see an 80° angle to where my arm should be. My red sweatshirt…
to shake and the trees to topple. The Luritja people of Central Australia also tell stories about a fire devil coming down from the Sun, an object that fell to Earth as punishment for breaking sacred law, crashing into Earth and killing everything in the vicinity. And we can still see the scars of this event today. The local people feared if they strayed too close to this land they might reignite some otherworldly creature. Luritja people were forbidden from going near the craters, as that was…