Croatian language

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    She said that she came her to attended the University of Florida and liked this college better. She moved to the University of Florida about a month ago. Also, the international students moved a week before the rest of the students. I then proceeded to ask her how many languages she spoke and she said that she spoke three which included Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian. My next question was what were some of the biggest differences that she saw between the university and in her home country. She said that the people here are nicer such as when they go shopping. She said that they tell them to have a nice day or greet them differently. She also mentioned that the University of Florida is different than colleges in Bosnia because in Bosnia they have to apply for a certain college major. For example, if you want to major in chemistry you have to apply for the chemistry college however if you decide to change majors you have to reapply to a different college and the credits from chemistry don’t transfer over. So, she said that was a big difference educational wise…

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    reading and writing in English and also the English language as a whole. Technology also, school is becoming more and more digital and technology is becoming more advanced but at the same time the quality of education is decreasing rapidly. But there are positives that outweigh the negatives, such as receiving a high work ethic. I was born in Hamburg, Germany and lived there for about three years, but I grew up in Hartford/Wethersfield. I lived in Hartford for a couple years and my parents…

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    Italian culture is steeped in to the arts, family, architecture, music and food, home of the Roman Empire and a major center of the renaissance; culture in the Italian peninsula has flourished for centuries. Here is an overview of “Italian customs” and traditions about 96% percent of the population of Italy is Italian though there are many other ethnicities that live in this country. North African, Arab, Albanian, German, Austrian and some other European groups fill out with a remainder of the…

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    am feeling depressed or upset about something I just turn on the radio and listen to whatever is being played or I might pop in a CD of my favorite artist. Music speaks to my emotions. After, listening to it from being depress or upset it soothes and relaxes me. The music that makes me happy is Gospel. I love being in the choir box on Sunday morning singing for the Lord, as the bands plays along. I also love to hear all the different bands that we have at my church. I especially, love the…

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    Texting isn 't exactly the language of the century, it’s not seen in equal respects to even the least intricate communication techniques. Since its creation, texting has grown in popularity and in ease of access. Slang words, a revamped view on the use of abbreviations and the pound sign have become more than a shortcut, John McWhorter introduces the idea of texting as an advancement in language. Just the same as the transformation of any language, such as Latin texting has entered that stage…

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    When I moved to the United States, I was only sixteen years old, and beginning my junior year in high school. I come from Dominican Republic, where the native language is Spanish. In my country most of the young citizens learn the basic of speaking, and writing in English. For example, my friends are able to understand, and interact with a movie in English, even if the movie does not have subtitles in Spanish. I have only been studying English for two years, and I successfully completed high…

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    Speech Two: Informative Speech Tittle: Hookah is the new thing to do no matter what the case may be General Purpose: To inform all the new, effective ideas of hookah Specific purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will be educated on what hookah is, all the new ways of smoking it and the different techniques of enjoying it in a perfect way. INTRODUCTION: I. Attention getting device: Doesn’t everybody just want to sit back, relax and be stress free while enjoying everything around…

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  • Superior Essays

    A. Language enculturation At a very young age children start to learn our cultures language, this happens from observation. A child may unintentionally point to something like a tree and their parents will say that’s a tree, after doing that a few times they child learns. They also learn their language from listening to other member of the culture communicating to each other. It is rare for a member of our culture to learn a second language because we hardly come in contact with the outside…

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    While some may be inclined to believe certain dialects, (southern, Boston, etc.,) simply demonstrate improper English and grammar, these ways of speaking more often than not follow specific rules and tendencies as concrete as those in standard written English. However, those who are not in tune with the language style of the group typically get treated as outsiders. Furthermore, language transcends just written and spoken word, the content, and style with which a particular group chooses to…

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    long as civilization has existed, languages have been adapted for hundreds of unique cultures and societies. In the past, language was developed based on individual societies because travel and communication were extremely limited. We see the effects of this today because of the many languages used around the world. Each region is seen as synonymous with a particular language and dialect. Language has developed into another method of distinguishing between cultures. However, with the progression…

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