I’m going to tell you the major causes that resulted in Hamsters being pets, the first being in 1946 Albert Marsh of Mobile, Alabama had won a bet and his prize was a furry pet that could fit in the palm of your hand… a hamster. The cause was Alber winning then the effect was him getting a hamster. He had found this new creature very “interesting with its curious personality and adorable cheek pouches” and ALbert ho was a dreamer, became convinced that these creatures didn't just belong in laboratories, “they also belonged in loving hands of america's children.” The cause was that marsh was a dreamer and the effect was that he dreamed of having hamsters being thought of as pets. He was determined to turn hamsters into superstars, yet few americans even knew they existed Today the pet industry is a 60 Billion$ business there's at least one pet in 65% of american homes. BY the 1800’s attitudes towards animals changed. Many americans began to see keeping pets as a way for their children to learn to be kind to all living things. The cause was lots of americans feelings started change towards animals and the effect was Americans saw keeping pets as a way for their children to learn to respect all animals. At the same time Families were moving to cities resulting in kids not being able to interact with pets at the farm but having a pet was sorta like the same thing. THe two causes are that families are moving to cities and kids lost their connections with animals but the effect…
person loves animals becoming a Companion Animal Veterinarian would be the best choice for someone. A high percentage of Veterinarians love the thought of being able to relieve animals who have extreme illnesses. A Companion Animal Veterinarian, also known as a Small Animal Veterinarian, helps animals who are sick. Every day practitioners would get to experience something new, treat different conditions, and examine different animals. A practitioner works with several animals which include:…
There are things that people may need to be cautious of before deciding to keep bees, but there are benefits to consider as well. Sue Hubbell author of A Book of Bees writes, “Everyone should have two or three hives of bees. Bees are easier to keep than a dog or a cat. They are more interesting than gerbils” (qtd. in Bishop pp. 1). Holley Bishop says that beekeeping seemed so great to her because she liked how “low-maintenance” it was and that the bees “did the farming for you and didn’t need…
Newborn mammals such as gerbils, mice and others born into grouped societies, are able to differentiate between the smell of their mother’s milk and another female’s. A study done by Dr. Sara Gerling in 1982 was to prove this point. Dr. Sara did a study in which she removed the scent glands of pregnant, lactating gerbils. Once the gerbils had delivered there young, the pups eating habits were monitored. Her results showed that even though the mother’s scent glands had been removed, the pups…
brought from Sicily to England in 1347 along the Asian trade routes (Silk Road) which imported silk, spices, ceramics, and wealth. The Black Death first infected the Black Sea port of Kaffa which then spread to Scotland, Scandinavia, and Ukraine. The plague was originally believed to have spread from fleas infected with a bacterium known as "Yersinia pestis" on the backs of large black rats who inhabit trade ships. However, modern day researchers from the University of Oslo studied the…
“No Thank You” by Shel Silverstein or,”Fairy's Lullaby” by William Shakespeare the two great poets. But which one has the most expressive language? “No Thank You”? Or “Fairy’s Lullaby”? Well there’s plenty to share, the narrator from “No Thank You” has said quite a few reasons and examples. The Narrator would also say how he felt about cats and all their downfalls affecting his life. He would say, “I had lice” or, “No more hair in my corn flakes”. I can fully understand how he hates cats…
I’ll make a teacher have get all hot and bothered with his teaching assistant in front of a classroom full of kids. Genius.” Uh, no, pal, it’s not genius. It’s just weird. To be fair, the author does have a strong, unique voice, with most of the story sounding like the narrator had whispered it word for word into the author’s ear, but then in the middle it gets weird and unbelievable. There’s an intriguing setting with a school where everything dies; however, we never get any closure about the…
fish that does nothing, you can get the a guinea pig that can run and play around the clock. The kids can have fun taking their pet out of the cage and playing with it every where. You just have to be concensious of where it's running to because they do like to chew! All the while thats your students are having fun with this project you can be very subtly teaching them responsibilities. When there playing you can have them make sure that it doesn’t run off. You can also teach them to clean the…
Being a Veterinarian can be a rough life when the job involves saving animals However the job takes, schooling, commitment, and having passion and love for animals. Small animal vets treat pets such as dogs, cats and gerbils. They work in a vet’s office but a few focus on large animals such as sheep, cows, and horses. Large animal vets usually drive to ranches and stables where their patients live. Small animal vets may take care of broken bones, worms, ticks, dental care larger animals vets…
A breeder’s rats or those purchased in a pet store are just as clean as any other pet rodent. Mice, hamsters, and gerbils are all in the same rodent family. Nearly everyone agrees that Dumbo rats are adorable, so they are a good starter rat for people who have this type of mindset. Because Dumbo rats are larger than most other species, they will require a larger cage. They are extremely curious and they like to do a lot of running and climbing. Normal rat foods can be fed to Dumbo rats. While…