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    Iago In Othello

    • 800 Words
    • 4 Pages

    Iago-a persona that is depicted in Shakespeare’s words as a rugged, honest, and loyal individual to others, but in reality, is an emotional, deceitful, and perfidious individual. Othello on the other hand, is assumed to be a leader-due to his high position as General-yet, he is susceptible to the words of others. Throughout the play, Shakespeare takes the perspectives of characters and portrays their true selves to the readers in order to show the irony that lurks. Iago attempts to lure Othello in his devious plan to bring Othello to his own downfall by leaving ideas for open interpretation in regards to the “affair” between Cassio-Othello’s lieutenant-and Desdemona-Othello’s newly wedded wife. Throughout the turning point of the Shakespearean…

    • 800 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Iago And Othello

    • 1102 Words
    • 5 Pages

    The tree "screams and cries" with pain, not just for being cut down, but also for the love and feelings that the tree still has for the boy. The tree was not alone for "the boy too was sad" to see it go but he had no other choice. The tree now gone is "but a stump in the soil," a lone reminder of what once existed so beautifully. The poem can be compared to Othello and his relationship with his wife and Iago, where the tree is portrayed as Desdemona, the wife as Iago and the boy as Othello. As…

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  • Improved Essays

    Who Is Iago A Hero

    • 408 Words
    • 2 Pages

    characters in literature Iago is the one most villainous. He is considered one of the greatest villains because he has no actual reasons for everything he causes between Othello and Desdemona and the whole play as a whole. Without Iago, Othello’s jealousy would have never weakened him. Iago is somehow responsible for the deaths of Othello, Desdemona, Roderigo and even his wife Eilia. Every act in “Othello” contains a moment set up by Iago. It is ironic because throughout the play he is known as…

    • 408 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Iago is capable of sweet talking people, and misleading them to get the backlash he wants. “He is the classical Renaissance atheist- intelligent, beyond moral scruple, and one who finds pleasure in the corruption of the virtuous and the abuse of the pliable.” (Foster, “Othello”). As Foster explains, Iago takes advantage of vulnerable people and does not care who is at risk. Brabantio yells “Thou art a villain” Iago responds, “You are a senator” (1.1.115-16). Brabantio is angry with the men for…

    • 251 Words
    • 2 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Iago Not Everything Essay

    • 766 Words
    • 4 Pages

    and line length. Next, we can see what kind of man he is under the spotlight depending on his choice of poison, words. Lastly, when and where this evidence came from and why all of this has come up. Iago is not what it seems and here is exactly why. Everyone says that Iago is a very honest and intelligent man and can be trusted with anything, but is this all true or just a tall tale of sand? First let’s start with the intelligence, the choice of his poison or rather in simple terms, words, are…

    • 766 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Iago A Villain Analysis

    • 836 Words
    • 4 Pages

    define, Iago is the most infamous villain of all time, I find that he is much more of a complex character then at first glance. Sure he is evil, but is he a simple villain? I think not. He is thoroughly amused by his devilish plots and is not afraid to declare how good he is at it to the audience. Iago is different then many villains because his motives are not very clear. There are many theories over why Iago does the things he does, and my belief is that Shakespeare wrote it this way to…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Essay On Iago In Othello

    • 581 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Is Iago the person everyone see’s him as, or is he really a mischievous, deceitful, lying man? Iago has a lot of secrets, he is very intelligent in the aspect of playing people. In the act of playing people he somehow manages to keep everyone thinking that he is a good man with good intentions. Iago is a two- faced character that nobody can trust but he somehow manages to receive everyone's trust. Iago’s thought process is to get close to the leader and act as if they are friends but…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Motives Of Iago In Othello

    • 1339 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Motives of Iago in Othello In the play Othello by William Shakespeare (1564-1616) the role of the villain is fairly shaping to the story line. This villain is Iago, also called “honest” Iago. While being called “honest” Iago, Iago is anything but honest. Iago is a devious man, liar, manipulator, and psychopath. For these reasons Iago is perhaps the most complex and intriguing character in the entire play. After some troubling events it becomes Iago’s sole purpose to ruin and destroy Othello.…

    • 1339 Words
    • 6 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Iago And Othello Essay

    • 1596 Words
    • 7 Pages

    the Psyche of Othello’s Iago For as long as storytelling has been around, authors have created works with antagonists and, naturally, protagonists to oppose said antagonist. However, it is--for the most part--only in truly unsophisticated works that an antagonist has no particular motive for their conflict with the protagonist. William Shakespeare is certainly not one to write such simple stories, and in his play, Othello, the antagonist has, perhaps, a much more intricate backstory than one…

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  • Improved Essays

    Iago In Othello's Jealousy

    • 1166 Words
    • 5 Pages

    existing in Shakespeare’s literature Iago is the most villainous. He is considered one of the greatest profligates because he has no valid reasons for the chaos he causes between Othello and Desdemona. Without Iago, Othello’s jealousy would have never weakened his confidence. Iago is indirectly responsible for the deaths of Othello, Desdemona and Roderigo. Every act in Othello contains an evil plot set up by Iago. It is ironic because throughout the play he is known as “Honest Iago”(II.iii.355).…

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