Was the phone hacking the action of “rogue journalist” or something more systemic? The phone hacking incident was more systemic. This kind of behavior wasn’t an isolated event or an action of one “rogue journalist”. There were many evidence in the case to prove that the incident was normal occurrence in Murdoch’s company. In 2006, Clive Goodman and Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator were caught to have hacked into senior aides to the Britain’s royal family as well as the princes’ phone messages. According to Scotland Yard’s investigation, there were evidence that this practice was widespread. Sharon Marshall, as well as other tabloid reporters hired by Murdoch publicly admitted that hacking is a common practice in Murdoch’s organization. Marshall stated that the hacking was “an industry-wide thing” and that she witnessed this everyday at News of the World. (Crawford, 2014) Clive Goodman and Glenn Mulcaire weren’t the only reporters employed by Murdoch that were arrested due to illegal activities. On April 2011, News Corp journalist Ian Edmondson, James Weatherup and Neville Thurlbeck were arrested for unlawfully accessing voicemails. On July 8, 2011, Andy Coulson was arrested over alleged phone hacking. (Crawford, 2014). There are other nine News of the World employees that were arrested between July 2011 through September 2011. There were approximately 30 employees in Murdoch’s organization that were arrested between April 2011 through August 2012. The number of arrested…
Sky News Australia launched its 24hours news service, as the first Australian produced news channel in February 1996 (skynews.com). Owned by NewsCorp and ultimately Rupert Murdoch, the 24hr multi-channel, multi-platform news service delivers its content over a variety of mediums along with its television coverage. Sky News Australia currently runs ‘SkyNews.com.au, mobile, podcasts, and Facebook and Twitter and is also the news provider for Qantas in-flight and at train station platforms…
The purpose of this essay is to observe the differences between news reports on Malala Yousafzai from the British Broadcasting Corporation and the NZ Herald. In recognising the differences between these two articles it raises the question of what truth in journalism is. This essay will analyse the quotes that are used and the titles of the articles to show how certain factors alter the perception of a person. The news reports that have been chosen are found online and have been published around…
the clock connection previous low-earth orbit satellites were unable to perform. The first successful geostationary satellite was SYNCOM 3; this satellite broadcast the 1964 Tokyo Olympics to the USA. It was the first transoceanic TV broadcast (Rosen, H. A. 1984). The accomplishment of SYNCOM prompted the improvement of satellite frameworks for both universal and local applications. The competition that followed among local satellite frameworks has brought about various imaginative…
1. INTRODUCTION China 's media industry has a great opportunity for development. According to the data released by SARFT (The State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television), the population coverage rate of Chinese television programmes is about 98.42%. China has more than 1900 television channels overall and the audience ratings suggest that users watch television for more than three hours per day. Therefore, China 's television industry and Chinese audiences are closely interrelated.…
formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), all designed to clear the ground for investment and sales by multinational corporations in regional and global markets. This has laid the foundation for the creation of the global media system, dominated by the afore-mentioned conglomerates. Now in place, the system has its own logic. Firms must become larger and diversified to reduce risk and enhance profit-making opportunities, and they must straddle the globe so as to never be outflanked by…
2 The media is a big part of our lives and has become a fundamental influence on the viewpoints and outcomes of world issues. The contribution allows everyone to have freedom of speech, but the media must take responsibility for its part in many of the problems that have been wide spread lately. The media have had a great impact on the younger generation telling them they have to look a certain way or be a certain size to be accepted by society. According to the Journal’s Code of Ethics, “the…
A Feministic View on Boobs and Burgers People often question why Feminism exist. All I ask is that the people in society that question the existence of feminism do; watch the Carl’s Jr. Super Bowl ’15 Commercial. If there is still confusion, then there you have it. That is why feminism in today’s society of America exists. To be a feminist is simply the act of believing in the political, economic and social equality of the sexes (dictionary.com). The Carl’s Jr Super Bowl ’15 Ad is a…
1.0 Introduction Professional communication is of vital importance in the media industry due to its fast paced nature. People working within this industry must have impeccable communication skills and this report will explore why this is essential. Within this report, a branch of the media industry, social media, will be analysed. As well as looking at this branch of the industry, this report will look at the different types of communication skills needed to succeed in using social media such…
competitive in attracting advertisers to their in their new psychographically specific and valuable programming in the newly vast televisual environment. 5) Moonlighting is characteristic of 1980s programming developments because it fits within Jane Freuer’s argument that post-modern television as a function of the expanding cable market, in which cable forced networks to offer more innovative programming, intensifying broadcast flow practices, especially self-reflexivity, and increasing the…