week that we would let Spring have today. Anyway, don't you think someone might find it suspicious if it went from 80 to 20?” “Yep,” Spring agrees smugly. He leans back in the rotating chair. Despite how his shaggy hair and floral tie are dancing in the air, the chair doesn't move. Henry whips around. “And you agreed no rain.” At this, Spring scowls. “What can I say? I’m unpredictable.” Summer pipes in while her shiny ponytail swishes around her shoulders. “If it was my turn, there wouldn't be a cloud in the sky.” She pauses. “At least, there probably wouldn't be.” She glances over to me and shifts on the desk she's resting on. “Well, its not.” Henry finally spots me and gestures for me to stop lingering at the edge of the circle of people. I come within reach, and he plucks his mug out of my hands. He closes his eyes as he takes a long sip of the coffee. He opens them and looks at the group. "The thing is, the town already has everything set out. They rented the equipment and can't afford rain." Everyone looks at Spring. "I really don't like being told what to do," he says. Henry huffs. "If you're going to be like that, then you'll have next week's Monday" Spring shrugs. "Fine. Winter can have my turn.” Summer looks offended and gets off the desk at the speed of light. "Hey!" Winter looks positively delighted. "Think of how fantastic everything will look covered in snow! Maybe if I make it cold enough, the electricity will cut off. It would be so pretty if…
With certain people, Hamlet is resolved to get revenge for his father’s death. With other people, this thought is the last thought in his mind. If he had any of the resolve he had showed earlier, his act of revenge would have already been completed. Instead of playing the part of the vengeful son, or dropping the issue entirely, he spends the entire act “slacking off';. He avoids the decision he has to make and pretends to be mad. This is shown when he says to Rosencrantz and…
But you would agree with me that the use of alarms is one mechanism for fall prevention? A: Yes. Q: And the idea behind it is that if the person is moving and the person is at a high risk for falls and, for example, needs assistance, that would give the nurse, if they’re present, the opportunity to come to the room and see if the resident needs assistance, correct? A: Yes. This was also verified in the deposition of the Jennifer Elrod, the nurse who normally took care of Ms. Bolek.. She…
Lenders were able to access patients medical records then deny their application for a home mortgage, credit card, and in decision making within human resources (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2006). Individual’s civil rights were being violated without ever seeking permission to view their personal medical history. On March 18, 1996, Bill Archer (R), introduced the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 to the House of Representatives. The bill reported by the…
BPM is an independent record shop and privately run in the early 90’s and later became one of the large markets for the local electronic music. It is a record store, which sells CDs and vinyl. The large growth in sales of the vinyl and CD records contributed to BPM grow into a record distributor with independent records labels at home and overseas as well as supplying their up-to-date music to the record stores. Nevertheless, the record shops are recently losing market share to Web-based shops…
According to Harvard Management; what makes someone a good communicator? There’s no mystery here, not since Aristotle identified the three critical elements- ethos, pathos, and logos about a thousand years ago (Edinger, S. 2013). According to Harvard Management; Ethos deals with credibility, which is often determined by those that have technical expertise in a specific area. It also reflects integrity and character, which helps convince people you are not going to lie to them (Edinger, S. 2013).…
“What law, you ask, do I satisfy with what I say?”—The Unwritten Law The title heroine’s famous defense speech in lines 995-1005 of Antigone has prompted the view that the play is extremely enigmatic. It is a passage that has been read with astonishment and demands detailed explanation. In her speech, Antigone provides what appears to be a reason for her burying her brother Polynices against the orders of her uncle and King, Creon. Antigone claims, however, that she would not have deliberately…
imagined places like this in my head, it is what I saw in urban movies, or the type of setting you hear about in rap music. To see it in reality made it come to life, it warped my perspective. Not only that, but it made me cherish the neighborhood I grew up in and took me out of my bubble I used to reside in. Once reaching the school, I passed out dozens of flyer and interacted with a myriad of children. Although, there was one encounter in particular that caught me off guard. I went to crouch…
Vinyl Record Materials Shellac Materials devoted to make records have changed and evolved several times over the years. The earliest disc records produced between 1889-1894 were made of various materials including wax and rubber. Shortly after, a shellac based compound had been experimented with leading to it becoming the standard material. Each manufactures exact formula varied, but records were typically made using cardboard and fiber which were coated with a shellac (wax) resin. These shellac…
For my experiential learning experiences I had the pleasure of visiting both the Ahtanum Ridge Clinic and the Yakima Valley Regional Hospital medical records. Before visiting these facilities I constructed questions beforehand to ensure I would not only have a valuable experience, but be able to compare facilities as well. These questions were; 1. What is something about the system you deal with that you know but not many other people you come in contact with know? 2. How has the change between…