sounds heard were the gentle hum of the plane and the soft footsteps of the flight stewardesses. I was still awake looking over the expanse of the ocean seeing nothing but the waves in the water and the occasional cloud float by with it all being illuminated by the glow of the moon. As we approached the island of Maui I could see the lights lining the shores like little lightning bugs. The plane had begun its decent onto what already looked like a beautiful island…
possible that Aristophanes caricature had a hand in the Socrates impiety charge. Impiety within Clouds runs rampant throughout the play. When Socrates is first introduced, he almost immediately sets to work, attempting to crush Strepsiades attachment to Zeus. He offers in exchange the schools own deities, the Clouds. Strepsiades accepts the opportunity to speak with the Clouds (Aristophanes, 252-253) and is initiated. Aristophanes was trying to provoke a hostile reaction out of his audience,…
a monkey at the zoo in a cage for the world to stare at. Nevertheless as her life went on, she learnt that there are some cruel people in this world and you being you is even more beautiful than trying being somebody else. Nora learnt that she might be wired, but then again, there were people out there in the world that were wired and just like her. People that Nora would become friends with, that were always to be by her side. Nora’s mother used to tell her to ‘just be you. No matter what…
Mayer and Jason Mraz combined. He plays an acoustic electric guitar, but his guitar playing skills are nowhere near as good as his writing skills. He plays basic guitar chords, but his lyrics make the music. His style is very mellow and relaxed. It’s the kind of music you listen to while you’re cleaning or sitting around on a rainy day. After we arrived, we were afraid that our concert was going to be postponed on account of multiple tornado warnings around the area. These warnings did not stop…
Would you rather live where you grew up or would you move away? The poem for “The Drought” by Gary Soto and the song “In Color” by Jamey Johnson have similar themes because they are both have dry, emotional theme but they are different because “The Drought” is emotional talking about the lack of rain and “In Color” is emotional talking about his childhood. Gary Soto uses personification to show the clouds are dry and empty. “Scraping their bellies gray on the cracked shingles of slate.” The…
It is pouring rain and you are numb cold. Your face is grim. Thunder and lightning crack across the sky. Your hear a sound, louder than the thunder. A cannon flies through the air and with a thunderous sound, crashes down on the mud and dirt before you. You are safe, the walls of the earthworks you had helped build earlier are still holding together. You see another cannon fly through the air towards you, but the effect is no different. The walls are sturdy, they can be torn down by the cannons,…
Of the many writings that once existed on Socrates, only a few have actually survived entirely. One of them is a play written by Socrates’ contemporary Aristophanes on 423 BCE. In his comedy “The Clouds”, Aristophanes ridicules the character of Socrates on stage for all of Athens to see and enjoy. Despite the fact that “The Clouds” survived entirely, its reliability becomes complex and questionable due to the inconsistency with the writings of Socrates’ other contemporaries, as well as with the…
teacher could teach this weather and climate lesson/unit is by having the students be involved in hands on activities! If the students are able to go outside and record data for themselves they would really get to know the material better and be able to retain this information in their long term memory. They can look at patterns they see over a weeks span, different types of clouds, temperature, and variation over time. Having students participate in an interactive activity like observing and…
I'm your guy. I replied not worrying about a thing. I just wanted to get up in the air. She is beautiful I thought to myself. My plane was a Bristol F2.B. In short she was a fighter plane. I got in the cockpit and I was mesmerised by the aeroplane "Come on, let's get this kite up in the air."I told Wilson. He agreed so we took off out of the hangar and into the sky. She was beautiful to fly. Rackham doesn't deserve this, the posh pome. As we were flying to the training ground I saw light…
still have feelings for one another. Daisy whispers to Gatsby, “I’d like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around” (p. 95). This absurd image of romance and escapism speaks of childhood. However, it also carries a certain gravity. Compared to Tom Buchanan’s hard preoccupation with money, and Gatsby’s friend Wolfsheim’s “gangsterism,” (p. 172), this love is the most sincere thing to date in the book. Even Nick is not capable of it. He describes Jordan as wily,…