A Morally Ambiguous Character in “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” In “The Outcasts of Poker Flat,” Bret Harte introduces a morally ambiguous character. In this story, a group of improper people is exiled from Poker Flat, and they face several difficult situations. Mr. Oakhurst, one of the exiles, steps up and acts as a leader. Throughout the story, Mr. Oakhurst portrays good characteristics despite the fact that he is exiled for being a gambler, which helps convey the idea that everyone has good embedded within. Initially, in “The Outcasts of Poker Flat,” Harte introduces Mr. Oakhurst as a gambler and emphasizes his kind nature. As the exiles are on their way to Sandy Bar after being banned, Mr. Oakhurst offers to horse to the Duchess. The author states, “With the easy good-humor characteristic of his class, he insisted upon exchanging his own riding horse “Five Spot” for the sorry mule which the duchess rode” (Harte 46). This statement portrays Mr.Oakhurst’s kind nature because he sacrificed his own belongings for the good of others. This allows readers to see that if he, an exile, can be good anyone can. A few paragraphs later, as Harte is describing the outcome of Tom and Mr. Oakhurst’s game, he adds, “ He then handed him his money back” (46). This quotation presents Mr. Oakhurst’s kind personality. Instead of taking the money he had fairly won, Mr. Oakhurst gave Tom his money back. This proves to the reader that anyone can be good, despite their past behavior. …
Mexico City: The Birth of a Civil Society Being one of the worst earthquake to ever hit Mexico, the 1985 Earthquake of Mexico City struck in the heart of the country and brought consequences that would later prove to shape the citizens sentiment towards the government and its officials. It sent the country into a frenzy and their inability to properly manage rescue operations proved to be fatal for the thousands of people who relied on the government to save their life and the lives of loved…
Francis Brett Hart was born August 28, 1836 in Albany, New York. His parents were Elizabeth and Henry Hart. Bret Harte did not have a great relationship with his, in fact, his father had included the “e” in Hart to distance himself from Francis. His father had worked in an Albany private school which eventually got run out. The family kept moving around in the North Atlantic states so Henry Harte could have a job as a teacher. In 1845, Henry dies, which leaves the the family to ask for money…
Mark Twain and Jack London’s San Francisco Earthquakes Earthquakes are devastating tremors that cause serious damage. Mark Twain and Jack London describe two earthquakes they witnessed in San Francisco. In Mark Twain’s essay, he uses a satirical and humorous approach when describing human reaction towards the sudden earthquake, through a first point of view, and carefully chosen descriptive words. Jack London, on the other hand, focuses mainly on the effects the earthquake had on the city.…
verification of a job well done; it is a demand for more. Therefore, the continual, participatory declaration of the wrestling event indicates the existence of a contrast interpretive setting in the theater. Kayfabe expands past the physical space of the wrestling ring and the arena for the discussion and media around the event. Professional wrestling is supposed to be ‘real’ (Mazer 67). Over time; however, the mystique wore off. In 1999, officials for the WWE have distanced themselves from…
importance of Richard Rodgers What does the sound of music, Oklahoma, South Pacific, and Cinderella have in common. They have the music written by the Richard Rodgers. Richard Rodgers helped change the face of Broadway musicals, he changed them by giving them each individual stories that made them both memorable and loveable. This essay will discuss how Richard Rodger early life affected his work, his legacy, and the importance of his work. Richard Charles Rodgers was born on June 28, 1902, and…
Machiavelli, Kautilya, Clausewitz, and Jomini were all strategic thinkers who presented models for describing the nature and character of war. Each of them could certainly be credited with providing insights in statecraft and military power. Each also had insights limited by the context of the conflicts of their times. Subsequent theorists had the advantages of not only reading the works of their predecessors, but also the perspectives of understanding such areas as geopolitics, economic and…
Jock City in 1991, Juice in 1992, Friday in 1995, and other movies may not have been meant to glorify the ghetto/gangster lifestyle but when filtered through negative racial perceptions... these theatrical leant credibility to the assumptions of Black culture..." (Hart 15). The Black Best Friend’s main job is to help their white friend out of problems, their character has little to no context. They are also called the token black friend. They usually tag along behind the white friend with quirky…
In the study, college students in the southern part of the United States were shown a color on a computer screen and asked to give their emotional response to each color. The results found that principal hues (e.g., red, blue, green, etc.) were rated 80% positively. The results also showed that achromatic colors (e.g., white, black, and grey) were rated positively only 29.2% of the time. Green was the most positively rated color and participants associated green with nature and soothing…
Fitzgerald associates Daisy with the color white, but to wear white is to be “an absolute little dream” (Schneider 2). Nick discovers white is a corrupt mixture of dream and reality (Schneider 3). To Gatsby, white is not pure, but it is inevitably stained by money. Daisy is a white flower with a golden center. In The Great Gatsby gold, along with silver symbolizes the dream and the reality. When Nick first sees Daisy, he notes they are “like silver idols weighing down their own white dresses…”…