Visitation Policy The visitation policy at Valdosta State University (VSU) states 3 main rules: all overnight guest has to be sixteen years of age, no more than eight overnight stays a semester for each resident, and residents must check in any and all guest. (Guidelines VSU) Also, the opposite gender may not stay overnight and any overnight guest cannot stay more than three consecutive nights. (Guidelines VSU) Any guest under sixteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult and any daytime guest must be checked out by twelve a.m. on weekdays and two a.m. on weekends. (Guidelines VSU) These rules have been put in place to ensure the safety of the students and residents at Valdosta State University. Without these policies there are many…
Daashawn R. Scott (202)-427-4081 7506 Devries Drive Lorton, VA. 22079 Greetings Brothers of Annapolis (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Inc., I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation on behalf of Mr. Clarence Houser, Jr. I met Mr. Houser in March at the annual Krimson and Kream Ball. Since this time, he has maintained communication and consistently expressed interest in becoming a member of our noble clan. Clarence has proven to be a very dedicated young…
MMK Consulting Engineers, While searching for marketing jobs in the construction and engineering field I came across MMK Consulting Engineers’ open marketing and proposal coordination position and was instantly interested. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Journalism from Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. Between my degree, my current area of employment and the experience I gained through internships and extracurricular activities in college I could fill the void in…
On my sixteenth birthday, I realized how fleeting all of the things I thought were permanent could be. I had no doubt in my mind that I was going to be living in Valdosta, Georgia up until college, which was neither good nor bad. I didn’t want to stay in Valdosta until leaving became a real possibility. Early in the first semester of my sophomore year of high school my mom broke the news to me. My mom came and sat on my bed with me after I got home from school. I remember how surprised I was to…
How would one describe the normal student? Solely base it off of the student’s physical features and life styles, or the student’s political stand point? In a class survey, the results showed that a normal student in an English 1102 class at Valdosta State University is a first year student between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one that lives in Georgia and believes college is very important. The surveys were split up into three or so categories. One being the Student’s Lifestyle, the second…
George Orwell discussed in his novel, 1984, about the idea of doublethink, and he stated, “DOUBLETHINK means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” Doublethink is what many universities today are embracing. They believe that an educationally beneficial environment can exist simultaneously with the idea of oppressing freedom of speech. Not only is this an obvious blatant disregard for constitutional rights, it also serves to…
on the American Flag in the front of Odum Library at Valdosta State University. This was in an effort to protest racism in our country. Shortly after, a local veteran, Michelle Manhart, was detained for taking the flag from the protest group in what was her attempt to be able to dispose of the ripped flag properly. She was not charged but was banned from VSU in the future (ValdostaDailyTimes). I could not believe what I was hearing or seeing on the news so close to home. A Valdosta State student…
Burns states that this divide is not only separating individuals, it is splitting education as well. Despite the evidence that many may present to prove they are not academic, an individual is not destined to be either smart or not smart. In the words Burns, “many brilliant people think they are not because they have been judged against this particular view of the mind.” An individual is as smart as they believe their mind to be. Although objections of being born with mental differences may…
I have observed many children who have dropped out of college because they were not ready for the freedom of being on their own. I remember my next door neighbor only let her son attend a local community college. The other children attended colleges and universities far away from home, but he went to school nearby. The reason behind that is because his mom wanted to make sure her child was prepared for college mentally. She didn’t want her son to drop out because of parties, and not keeping up…
With 86.75 percent of the U.S. population having some type of internet access, this statement is accurate. We do everything over the internet; from keeping in touch with love ones to completing our educational goals. In the last couple of years the number of students taking online classes has seen a steady increase. According to E. Allen and J. Seaman (2013) in 2013, 32 percent of college/university students were participating in one or more online courses. In an article “Revolution hits the…