The impact that a chronic illness can have on individuals and their families can differ. Family members often become the primary caregivers for people with chronic illnesses. When a family member has a chronic illness it can disrupt and affect the lives of every family member. Daily routines, limitations, and the demands of treatments can require family members to become more available. Many families need to share in the responsibilities that come along with caring for a person who suffers from a chronic illness. Sharing the responsibility to care for a family member is helpful so that no single member becomes too fatigued to help. Family members and the individual with the chronic illness will experience some stronger emptions such as depression,…
In this report I am going to discuss the impact of Down’s syndrome, Sickle cell anaemia and Cystic fibrosis on the individual and society. I am going to include what causes the condition, the impacts on the individual physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. The first condition that I am going to discuss is Down’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition known as trisomy; this is where a person has an extra copy of one chromosome; people who have Down’s syndrome have 47…
research has been performed on the impact of eating disorders (ED), such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, on an individual’s well being. However, a noteworthy topic that has lacked examination is the impact of an ED on those who have relationships with the individual suffering from the ED; this impact primarily affects family members or close friends who are in the position as the caregiver or provider for the individual (Buser). Caregivers are prone to experiencing psychological distress…
development of personal and social identity in individuals. Family and Kinship, and School as well as are agents of socialization that are believed to influence the development of personal and social identity. Personal identity is the concept you develop about yourself that evolves over the course of your life, where as social identity is a person’s sense of which they are based on their group membership(s) for example family, friends, social class etc.…
the gap between wealth and poor enlarges over time. In current society, financial resources are not being distributed to individuals evenly, on the other hand, many inequalities exist due to uneven distribution. Various factors are attributable to this outcome, and in fact, one’s family background is one of the most vital factors that impacting one’s income, especially the parental income. As a basic unit in society, the families’ impact is tremendous on the family members, which becomes an…
mental health issues are one of the common impact of globalisation. Liu and Cheng(2011,p.44) explore the factors related to migration that it is increasing rapidly within one nation to other nation however some various reasons affect such as socio-economic, political, religious and pursuing a better job and higher education. There are some people called refugees who pass through the traumatic conditions and has fear to die therefore they seek out assistance from other safe country and unable…
Blended family occurs when two completely different families come together to make one whole family. This is the result of two sole parents remarrying one another. It is stated that blended families are pretty common in Australia about 91,000 blended families in 2009-2010. In this article, it describes how complicating and the impacts to individuals including children and parents when they combine with another family to become a blended family. Firstly, as blended family, it is quite easy for…
he social-ecological perspective was introduced in 1979 by Urie Bronfenbrenner. The social - ecological perspective is used when working with children, young people and families. In his model the child is the centre of any situation and anything else is placed around it as some influential circles. The more impact and influence on the child the closes the layer to the centre. It looks at all aspects that have an impact at their lives, considers all issues within close family but also wider…
What is Considered Normal in the 21st Century American Families and Marriages? No Marriages and Increasing Adoption More Americans are shunning marriages as they pursue career and educational advancements. This reality is reflected by the age at which individuals are marrying. Census data suggests that in 2013 the average age at which men and women were getting married was 29 and 26.2 respectively. This is a rise from the 1970 figures which stood at 23.2 and 20.8 in 1970 for men and women…
the impact that grief has on an individual’s relationships is important to understanding the human condition. Some individuals suggest that the impact the grief has on an individual’s relationships will cause the individual's pain to continue for long periods because it will cause the individual not to be able to console in the ones around them who they depend upon. Others, however, believe that the impact the grief has on an individual's relationships will cause healing of the person's…