In class, we read “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie. In the book we were given ten murders but one serial killer. The characters who commit the murders do so out of love, carelessness, desire for personal gain, or a fanatic personality. The two characters this essay will focus on will be Vera Claythorn and General John Gordon Macarthur. In fact, Vera Claythorn killed a boy she was the governess for, his name was Cryil. In addition, Cryil had an uncle named Hugo that Vera was madly in love with, but he was broke unless Cryil died. When Vera was watching him she told him to swim to the rocks and she would distract his mother. While he was swimming to these rocks he started to drown and eventually died. Hugo knew what she had done…
Agatha Christie was very happy with her life in the early to the mid nineteen hundreds. This was also a time where she was at the peak of her writings. In nineteen-thirty-nine one of Christies famous works was published. This novel was originally published with the title of, Ten Little N*****s, but was changed to, And Then There Were None, due to offense (Worsley). The whole novel is centered around a nursery rhyme. The nursery rhyme goes through and tells of ten little Indian boys who each die…
Agatha Christie, author of And Then There Were None used characterization and internal and external conflicts to portray the theme that when a person has done wrong, there is no way to escape punishment. Christie creatively developed these elements in And Then There Were None to teach her readers this lesson. Christie’s creativity and success as a murder mystery writer is why she is still considered the “Queen of Mystery”. Agatha Christie was born September 15, 1890 as Agatha Mary Clarissa…
In Gothic Literature some stories can share topics, but with different viewpoints. In And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie shows how insanity can make people do things that they usually wouldn’t do. A character named Justice Wargrave is a judge who has seen many crimes and wanted to commit a murder that was impossible to solve. As a result he killed nine people and himself but he succeeded with what he wanted to do. On the other hand “Azathoth” by H. P. Lovecraft shows how insanity can make…
And Then There Were None The famous mystery novel, And Then There Were None is written by the all time best-selling novelist Agatha Christie. I had never read anything by Agatha Christie, so I was very excited to read this book, because I was told that it was an amazing book, and I decided to give it a try, even though mystery novels really aren’t my prefered genre. And Then There Were None is afterall one of the best-selling novels of all time, so I had a few expectations, but I can honestly…
A theme in “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie was deception. The character Justice Wargrave best exemplifies this theme. He lied and deceived many times in the book, more than anyone else. He was the one who hoaxed the other characters, Emily Brent, Vera Claythorne, Dr. Armstrong, Anthony Marston, Philip Lombard, General Macarthur, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, and Mr. Blore, into going to Soldier Island and then killed them. He did this by distributing letters to them, as well as himself.…
Four days…10 people…1 murderer... And Then There Were None. This book includes action, twists, murder, and mystery. Ten strangers find themselves as weekend guests to an island called the Indian Island off the coast of Devon. There host an eccentric millionaire, Mr. Owens also know as unknown is nowhere to be found. The only element the guests have in common are their wicked past that they are all unwilling to reveal. For all will be murdered, one by one they'll perish, before the week is over…
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie and ¨The Masque of the Red Death¨ by Poe feature several elements of Gothic literature. In And Then There Were None, Christie creates a mystery that is almost unsolvable. Most of the characters become suspects at some point in the story and the detectives can't solve the case. In contrast, Poe's ¨The Masque of the Red Death¨ there is a disease known as the Red Death, which they consider to be a murderer. Everybody knows who the murderer is. Similarly,…
because lies can backfire. In the novel And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, lies are told by all characters. People should not lie because it is dishonest, hurtful, and can backfire. The first reason of why lying is wrong is because it is dishonest. For example, in the novel the character Blore lied about his name at the guest party, and when the rest of guest found out they knew that he was not trustworthy because he was not truthful. Another example was the character Emily Brent. Who…
In the novel And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, Justice Wargrave creates the perfect murder. He gathers ten suspects that he thinks are guilty of a crime, but never were touched by the law. He wants to kill them because of two things; he wants to satisfy his desire to kill, and to bring justice to the ten guilty people. Christie shows this through the nursery rhyme, Wargrave’s letter, and the gramophone record. Christie uses the nursery rhyme to show that Wargrave wants to satisfy his…