During this past semester in English 112, I have worked toward improving my writing skills through practice. Throughout this course I wrote four essays: a summary and response, an argumentative, a literary analysis, and a multigenre. Each of these papers were a different type and had its own specific goal to work on. These goals varied greatly and were achieved to a different degree of success. Each paper is presented in the order in which they were written, with the drafts on the left and the final copies on the right. Out of the four, I would consider my multigenre paper to be the strongest, and the summary and response to be my weakest. Reasoning for this will be expanded on later in the preface. In the first paper, the summary and response,…
Furthering your writing ability can be difficult and at times frustrating, but when it is done well, writing can change the opinions of millions. In WRTG 101, I learned the first step to writing an advanced essay is to read and annotate the articles that connects to the essay’s topic. I learned the importance of adding questions to the article as I read it. Questions helps me to remember what statements peeked an interest, and it is a great way to remember what to cover in a essay. I also…
Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Practice (graded) Interdisciplinary practice delineates the steps in which APN prepared nurses processed into the role with other health care providers. In this process, the team is able to pool their skills and knowledge together to increase the quality of care and productivity (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2015). Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving population health and patient and outcomes in today's complex health care environment…
Important skills are developed through education and teaching children to read and write. Every human being has a background on their guidance or lack thereof, when learning and developing these skills. A considerable amount of situations are similar to what I encountered growing up, in the sense that going to school was a significant part of their development. Parents and schoolteachers, helped shape the reader and writer into the individual they are becoming while the students had to take the…
Both Tolstoy and Plato address their fascination with death on their writings. In The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Tolstoy sees death as an inevitable horror. It seems incredible to Tolstoy, “that all men had been condemned to suffer this awful horror” (Tolstoy, 2004, p. 76). Tolstoy fears he cannot avoid death and will die. Whereas Plato sees death as a moral fact in Socrates’ dialogues. Plato’s view of death relates to dying instead of breaking the laws and living in dishonor. Tolstoy questions…
you failed. This is likely the result of not applying non-cognitive and character skills. Non-cognitive skills are skills such as flow and deliberate practice. Furthermore, a major character skills if applied to improve on a goal is growth mindset. If these skills are applied towards writing, it can progress us towards becoming better writer. Although non-cognitive and character skills could be applied to become a better writer, applying such skills would not be possible if you gave up after…
A few exceptions in a writing class doesn’t improve writing skills. As a bilingual person I tent to write wrong, and commit many mistakes. When I recently got to the U.S.A I always had many trouble writing. In college and with the teacher having no exception when it comes to writing it had help me improve my writing, I see the way I was writing wasn’t a good way of writing things. I still have problems when writing, but I had been able to learn from my mistakes and write the sentences the way…
There are many steps to follow in order to prepare for a volleyball game and to prepare for a paper. I have to eat healthy, workout, practice, watch film, then practice specific techniques in order to prepare for a game. While writing, I have a set of steps to follow so that I will have an organized and successful paper, such as prewriting, drafting, conferring with friends, editing, proofreading, and finally publishing. Now I am standing in an empty volleyball gym and am finally ready to start…
allowed me to point out my strengths and weaknesses, that I don’t really think about on a daily basis. The self-assessment allowed me to point out a few of my weaknesses that I don’t think about. Writing is one of my main weaknesses, I am not a strong writer. I hadn’t really thought about how much I struggle to focus on one thing at a time because I am a huge multi-tasker.…
thinking is not being practiced through communication. For example, if a student does not have enough critical thinking skills practiced through communicating and have an important interview that determines whether or not they will get the job for their ideal career, then they will lack the confidence and ability to handle the interview preventing him or her from getting a job. College students should learn the ability to apply critical thinking to answers the interviews may ask in order to be…