Women Get a Bad Shot: The Gender Wage Gap in the Medical Field Up to this point in time, our world has made extraordinary change. We’ve progressed from sticks and stones as tools to the fastest working technology humankind has ever faced. The world has advanced right before our eyes, yet many important matters go neglected by our very own eyes. The meaning of the word equality is tarnished; what many believe to be equality isn’t what equality truly is. We as the human population currently face an equality breach. This overstepping of boundaries encompasses the difficulties women are facing in the medical field: the gender wage gap. Several factors combined, such as, the current situation, psychological influences, women’s history, and the…
Gender wage gap is a way for men and women to discriminate against other based off their gender. Gender wage gap allows men to make money than most women. For instance, if a man and a woman have the same job, it is more likely the man is making more money even though they are doing the same amount of work and have the same job title. More simply, women are not usually seen as dominant people in the work force, so they usually receive lower wages, even if they are experienced and well trained for…
Men earn more money than women—or do they? This statement depends completely upon how one reads and evaluates the information and facts. Years ago, the earth was thought to be flat. Upon basic observation, that theory makes perfect sense. When examined closer, thoroughly, and scientifically, the flat-earth theory was debunked. This scenario can be paralleled to other theories and ideas, like the gender wage gap. From a broad perspective, the gender wage gap looks legitimate. Upon further…
We all know that feeling when a birthday cake it being sliced up and your friend coincidentally gets a larger piece than you. Your piece is almost a quarter smaller. Sure you are happy to receive a piece of birthday cake but your heart still aches that your friend received more than you. A very similar situation is happening every day in our lives. Women are only making seventy-seven cents to the male dollar. This may not seem like a huge difference but over the course of a woman’s career that…
Through the history of mankind, the world has had a problem with discrimination; whether it is of race, gender, religion, politics, or anything else that makes people deferent from one another, discrimination is happening. One major form of discrimination takes place is in the workforce. In the United States women working full time across all industries get paid 78 percent of what men get paid that is 22% gap. This 22 percent gap is known as the gender wage gap. The 78 cents number comes from…
of Labor Statistics 2013 report on women’s earnings). It is evident that equal treatment between men and women is present. Women are marginalized because they face many challenges such as unequal pay and the greater likelihood of being victims to domestic abuse. The gender wage gap is a prominent issue in today’s workplace. The structure of today’s families have dramatically changed. Only 20% of today’s families have just one parent working and the other at home taking care of the children. It…
Moreover, another factor that contributes to the gender wage gap is through wage discrimination, which is assigning wages to workers based on unrelated job performances. According to Author, “ male executives earn significantly higher salaries and bonuses than their female counterparts. Together these findings indicate significant wage discrimination against women in the upper ranks of American business.” Many still believe the reason for wage gap exists due to lack of experience or skill in the…
Gender Wage Gap Why is it that women are paid less then men when they are capable of doing the same jobs as men? In this day and age, you would think that women and men would both be paid equally but that is not the case. According to the American Association of University Women (AAUW) “in 2014 women were only making 79 percent of what men were paid” (aaum.org). This is a huge difference and pay and is not fair in any way to the women that work just as hard as their fellow male workers. There…
A study by Andrew M. Gill and Duane E. Leigh (2000), seeks to determine if the individual category of two-year community college contributes to the gender wage-gap. They collected data from National Longitudinal Study of Youth and compared the change in the wage-gap between 1985 and 1990 with that of the period between 1989 and 1994. Using a decomposition strategy, Gill and Leigh (2000) manage to divide their data into observable effects and unobservable effects on the wage-gap. In the beginning…
When it comes to a subject like the Gender Wage-Gap there is no questioning its existence. Everyone knows about it; some just don’t care, others blame it on chauvinism. However questioning the cause of it should be more of a normal occurrence. In reality there are many underlying variables to consider, but our focus will be on the educational background and the factors it presents. The school of choice, the major or focus of study, the industry aimed for, the GPA of subjects and over all, and…