Family Nursing Technology innovation has allowed people to live longer. However, this does not mean they are living healthier lives. The U.S. Census bureau indicates that 117 million people had a chronic illness in 2012 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). What implications will this have on nursing? Depending on the severity of the illness, children or spouses may become the decision makers and primary caregivers. Nursing care will need to incorporate the family. Care will be directed toward four different areas such as the family as context, family as client, family as system, and family as component of society (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson, 2015). As you read further, I shall discuss each of these topics…
Family Healthcare Practice The current healthcare sector is characterized by escalating patient acuity and workload. In nursing practice, the backbone of this sector, students face several challenges while transitioning from learning institutions to the dynamic and, practical clinical practice. This paper is a reflection of personal transition in regards to the models, role stress and difference between family nursing practice and medical doctor. My Models of Transition in nursing Considering…
Approaches to Family Nursing Assessment The components of family nursing includes an evaluation of family as context, family as client, family as system, and family as a component of society. It is important to keep these four perspective in mind when working to families because it will facilities in the accuracy of the nursing assessment and intervention (Kaakine et al., 2015). Furthermore, a comprehension of all four approaches will lead to better patient and family outcomes. In this…
Community Settings for Family Health Nurses Family nurses work in a number of diverse settings, including schools, occupational sites, public health departments, physician offices, family homes, and community nursing centers. Even though the populations vary with each setting, the family nurse uses the same concepts and principles altering them to fit the needs of each family or group. In the community, the role of the family nurse is to educate, promote health, prevent disease, and influence…
hours of the day and the families turn to the nurse for support and information. With the ever changing healthcare environment, it is the nurse that collectively remains the same (Fitzpatrick, 2015). Nurses get to know the patients and their family members, while learning their wishes and fears. It is the nurse that will pick up on subtle changes that may be life-threatening and are competent enough to save one’s life. It is with compassionate care that provides prevention of knowledge…
“Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home.” - Anthony Liccione There are different families in the world. There are some which lives in good houses, while there are also families who lives together in only one room house. The family molds the character of the person and thus, it empowers the person’s mind and body, making it a very essential factor for human development. Differences in families shows in terms of financial, cultural, social, and many…
always has been and will be a major issue in any field of work. Whether it is on a sales floor or on a nursing unit, stress in the workplace is prominent. There are many causative factors that lead to why the amount of stress has increased over the years. However, the main priority in regards to workplace stress is finding ways to manage and rid the area of it. The last thing a nursing unit would need is for there to be factors that can alter the proficiency of patient care. As a nurse, it is…
Community Settings for Family Health Nurses A family health nurse can provide care in a variety of settings such as, home visits, community nursing centers, and public health departments and also be an educator in the home and community. In this paper, I will discuss these facilities in my community, access to these resources, how families in the community benefit, and three ways a family health nurse may be useful in community resources. There are a variety of settings where a family…
Using the family strengths framework for assessment in nursing will be explored in this essay. Concepts covered will include defining family in contemporary Australian society, the family strengths framework and how the framework can be applied to practice as a nurse. Wright and Leahey (cited in Barnes & Rowe 2011, p. 5) declared ‘the family is who they say they are’, but defining family for discussion in nursing is much more complex. Defining family in contemporary society can be challenging…
English. The family has different individual health status need although they are generally healthy. One concern for the whole family observed was bad eating habits that can lead to obesity and diabetes. With S drinking and smoking he is opening himself up to higher risk of heart disease, liver disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. Family Stress and Coping Currently the largest family stressor is S substance abuse. M is fearful S may lose his job one-day or become ill due to his…