Eating healthy is one of the most important things that a person needs to do to take care of their body properly. It helps with multiple things needed throughout an individual's life. These things include growing physically, spiritually physically, and mentally. All of this aids the body to operate in the highest and best way possible. People living on the Western side of the world, they cannot always trust what they eat. “Escape from the Western Diet,” was an article written by Michael Pollan to inform Americans about the dangers of the western diet and believes that it would be beneficial to escape from it. In Mary Maxfield’s essay “Food as Thought: Resisting the Moralization of Eating” she talks about the important reason why people in America are overweight. She explains the mistakes that Americans make about how to…
In everyday life, dieting is the food a person consumes that can show what is and what is not healthy to eat. So, how does someone determine what is healthy or not because everyone in this world has a different body type. However, two authors have set out to write on such a topic. Michael Pollan, a nutritionist (Bullock 850), writes “Escape from the Western Diet” which is about Americans should completely cut out the Western diet because it consists of mostly processed food that is unhealthy for…