assistant is to protect children and young people from discrimination. If you was to overhear or receive a complaint from a parent or pupil about a discriminatory act that has taken place and you ignore it ,you are giving the person victimising the victim the impression it is ok to do, this can then quickly turn into a discrimination epidemic of sorts if left unchecked. To be able to deal with discrimination efficiently you will have to first feel comfortable with your policies, procedures and codes of conduct on the matter. Then approach your line manager or alternately if it is them that is conducting the discrimination then go to your head teacher, explain what has been said to the person or group, state the impact it has had on him/her or them and then suggest a way to enforce your anti-discrimination…
promote independence as it allows service users to take control. For example, allowing service users to choose what they would like to eat for lunch. Empowerment is one many principles which lies at the heart of the care value base. (Base, 2016) states that the care vale base is a set of guidelines that every health and social professional should follow, to ensure all service users and patient receive the best care according to their specific…
Introduction Social Work provides opportunities to work with many different people, in many different settings, with a diversity of issues, needs and problems. The following settings discussed, are just some of the distinguishing characteristics in what social workers do in their day-to-day practice. Section 1 – Child Welfare and Protection Social workers often describe themselves as professional “helpers”, DuBois & Krogsrud Miley, (2011), go on to say that for those choosing a path in the…
Madeleine Leininger was truly a pioneer for transcultural nursing. She spent her life promoting cultural education and understanding within the nursing profession. It is largely due to her efforts that cultural care is emphasized so much in the health care system. Leininger used her well-rounded education to question the norms when it came to diversity and worked hard to change the way those from diverse backgrounds are treated in the health care system. Leininger herself came from a diverse…
3-Discuss why ethnicity and ethnic identity is important to social work. Also discuss why it is problematic for social workers to assume that cultures are unitary. (20 points, max. 600 words) According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ethnicity Definition is a group of people who have a common language, culture, and body of tradition. Ethnic identity refers to the ethnic group to which the individual is closely associated. Identifying one's ethnic identity is not as simple as checking the box…
Youth Horizons Clinical case management Youth Horizons provides a range of services to meet the needs of children, young people and their families/whānau with challenging conduct, anti-social behaviour and/or mental health needs. Youth Horizons use their own strategies which are expressed all over New Zealand with assistances of three major environments. These are in home support which is within the home of a young person. Secondly, community which is supported in a community based…
Introduction: In my poster I have chosen to discuss the mental health illness as a “contemporary issue in social policy”, I will demonstrate my understanding of mental health issues. What is being done to address the mental health issues. The “NHS FIVE YEAR FORWARD VIEW 2014”(NHS England) is a report that lays out a blue print for the delivery of mental health services going to the years of 2029/21 ( This implementation is underpinned by the extra funding to enable the…
helping someone to make positive changes in his or her life that result in a better quality of life. This is also true when promoting the wellbeing of the community in a social context. Understanding of the social work profession, to me, means having the heart and mindset to advocate for those that society considers undeserving. Career Goals I became interested in pursuing social work as a profession during my employment at South MS Regional Center as a Job Skills Trainer.…
As I watched my cousin cry when they deported my uncle, I was challenged with the idea of law vs. morality. When there are thousands of people who wait patiently for entrance, his deportation didn’t haunt me. But viewing it through a different lens, most parents would do anything for their child to have a better life especially if the family is living in a developing country with no hope of success. As I saw tears run down her cheeks, the separation from their children was something most…
great gaps between teachers’ practice and government policy (Eraclides 2001). In fact, many teachers haven’t prepared for teaching in an inclusive classroom. Some teachers find it difficult to meet special needs of students, due to lack of pre-service learning and in-service training covering skills and attitudes towards to students with disability (Konza, 2008). Teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education plays a significant role in their teaching practices. Hence, essential professional…