main types of cholesterol carried by lipoproteins: low-density lipoproteins, and high-density lipoproteins. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are sometimes called “bad” cholesterol. While, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are referred to as “good” cholesterol.…
The towering causes and effects of heart disease surround us in our everyday lives. Everybody, at some point, is being exposed to a risk factor or something that further longs the chances of getting heart disease. What is heart disease? "Look into proposes that coronary illness (CHD) starts with harm to the covering and inward layers of the coronary (heart) supply routes." A few components add to this harm. The risk factors that cause heart disease are mostly composed of everyday problems that…
The literature reviewed showed that diabetes self-management education (DSME) is an ongoing process used to facilitate and empower individuals to learn about diabetes and its complications. Hwee, Cauch-Dudek, Victor, Ng, & Shah (2014) define DSME as a critical element of care for people with diabetes to learn to manage their conditions in order to improve the outcomes. Multidisciplinary healthcare professionals that equip the patients with self-management skills, provide education and…
The heart is a vital organ that controls blood flow to the entire body. Without the heart muscles, organs and all other body parts would die. The life choices a person makes can affect the health of their heart. For example, smoking, bad diet, sedentary lifestyle, and other choices can damage the heart in the long run. As a medical student this is an important topic of interest because it is found that, "Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and the cost to combat it…
the patient’s age and lack of risk factors, she does not need the following screenings: sexually transmitted disease screenings, colorectal cancer screening, breast cancer screening with mammography, and osteoporosis screening with a bone mineral density test. From these screening recommendations, she does not need another pap smear for another 2 years. She was screened for diabetes, obesity, immunization deficits, depression, domestic violence, and the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit…
Below is a conversation between a 56 year old male and his doctor. The patients’ favorite activity is sitting on the couch watching sports while eating snacks. He tends to be sitting down a lot and does not participate in any physical exertion. Until today he was unaware of his cholesterol situation and how it can affect him. Doctor: Good Morning, How are you today? Patient: Good, I’m here today to get my bloodwork results. Doctor: Ok, Great. Let’s take a look. I see that we did a cholesterol…
When testing your cholesterol a blood test is tooken to check your cholesterol levels. It is usually called a lipid panel or lipid profile. For accurate results you are told to abstain from eating or drinking ( except water) for 9-12 hours before the blood sample is taken, to prevent misdiagnosis. Mechanism of Vytorin Stain Vytorin will decrease your LDL "bad cholesterol" and triglycerides. However it will increase your HDL "good cholesterol" Vytorin helps block the absorption of cholesterol…
You often hear people talking about their cholesterol levels but do you really know what that means? Cholesterol protects the heart from heart disease. Your body needs cholesterol but having too much of it is a problem. Men are generally at more of a risk for higher cholesterol levels. The better you eat at a young age, the better your cholesterol levels will be as you get older. Bad cholesterol blocks your blood vessels and increases your risk of heart disease. The american health…
One of the topics covered deals with salinity and temperature. As part of the lesson, students will essentially understand how (1) temperature and salinity affect water density and (2) how those previously mentions characteristics affect how heat moves globally. This lesson comes toward the end of the oceanography unit in the class. In days prior, students have learned about waves, tides and currents. For the lesson students…
Solidity ratio comparison at low flume speeds favor’s the turbine with higher solidity. The low solidity turbine could not self-start in flow speeds up to 0.8 m/s, whereas the higher solidity turbines had no difficulty with self-starting in flow speeds of 0.5 m/s. Hen et al. (2013) at his stage1 experiment, he tested…