in grade school and am constantly seeking various solutions, spanning from exercise programs, meal replacements, supplements, to eating healthy; none of these worked for me very long or not at all. I've never been a big eater, so I know that's not the problem, and every time I diet, I gain even more. Thus, Golo grabbed my attention the first time I viewed their advertisement on TV, and I've been captivated ever since. Although I haven't tried it yet, I eagerly plan to do so because I feel it's a refreshing new approach to attacking unhealthy obesity, a serious health issue and growing concern in the United States. Golo, founded by Dr. Keith Ablow, is a specialized program that addresses the possible root cause of why many people are overweight and have difficulty losing it, as well as keeping it at bay. Insulin resistance, according to Dr. Ablow, is the culprit because it's a hormone that controls the processes that affects your weight gain, metabolism, aging, and health in general. Therefore, the team at Golo devoted seven years to formulating a natural solution to optimize the insulin in the body to reverse the harmful effects of unsightly unwanted fat. This scientific breakthrough system claims it will rejuvenate your metabolism, prevent body fat storage, see improvements in your health in a 30 day period, including stabilizing your weight, all without cravings, hunger, or "blood, sweat, and tears." Additionally, other added benefits that attracted me to this is the fact…
“Rock Awhile” by Goree Carter and “Devil Got My Woman” by Skip James have their similarities and their differences. These two male baritone’s songs have a similar format to their lyrics as well as a similar topic. These two songs differ in instrumental set up as well as delivery. In both songs Carter and James both talk of women in their lyrics. In “Devil Got My Woman” James sings of being “that woman man”, how she “changed her mind”, how he “loved that woman…took her from [his] best friend”,…
Currently, Nestle Romania products are found on every shelf on every store and its portfolio of products includes the following products: 1. Breakfast Cereals: Nestle Fitness, Musli Tropical, Musli Classic, Lion, Cheerios, etc.; 2. Chocolate and cereal bars: Lion, Nesquick bar, Nestle Fitness, Lion, Kit Kat, etc. 3. Tea: Nestea is well known to Romanian Consumers. 4. Ice cream: Aloma, Best, Joe Ice Cream, Topgun, Nirvana. 5. Food: Maggi products and condiments are sold by Nestle…
Queens of the Stone Age - s/t Kyuss died in 1995. Joshua Homme, Alfredo Hernandez and Nick Oliveri, all former members of the“stoner metal” band, came together again in 1997 to form Queens of the Stone Age. Queens of the Stone Age, the new group’s first album, continued but polished the musical stylings of their previous band. What Queens of the Stone Age did differently than Kyuss was to alter the songwriting formula. Instead of angry, angsty, growling vocals and jams that lead nowhere (see…
The Beatles mostly sang about peace and love, experimenting with different concepts on the subject and various instruments. George Harrison introduced the sitar in some of their later albums. Originally, they started as a simple pop band and eventually grew and developed into a rock and roll band. Most of their fan base was composed of teenage girls, while the Rolling Stones attracted every one of every age. They would have to think of creative and clever ways to sneak lyrics about sex and drugs…
When I was twelve years old, my neighbour told me the only way I’d ever be beautiful would be if I started wearing makeup. It wasn’t uncommon for me to hear this- since about the age of nine, individuals had been telling me to dress better, fix my hair, and start shopping at more fashionable stores. Makeup was simply the newest weapon they could hurl at me, the best way for them to tell me that I did not conform to their standards of beauty. They hid insults within their helpful suggestions…
Kotler splits the product life cycle into 4 phases: Introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Introduction is described as a “period of slow sales growth as the product is introduced in the market”. Growth is described as a “period of rapid market acceptance and profit improvement”. Maturity is a “slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved acceptance by most potential buyers”. Lastly, decline is when “sales show a downward drift” (p. 310). The chasm lies within the growth…
Ask anybody around the world if they recognize the name Julie Andrews and their answer will undoubtedly be a resounding yes. She is known far and wide for her roles in Mary Poppins and The Sound Of Music, and more recently, the Princess Diaries. Some know her offscreen as well from her days playing Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, and Guinevere in Camelot, or from her leading role in Victor/Victoria. To the world, she represents kindness and a ‘spoonful of sugar’ type of person, who just…
Life Influences Everyone is born without an identity of who they are and it is slowly developed as we grow. From when we are born to grown adults we take in everything around us which molds and shapes into who we are. From everything in our lives we all have those couple of things which consider the biggest influences in our lives. Whether something as simple as a book, movie, family member, or a person we briefly knew that touched our lives like nothing else has. Personally a film and two…
I believe that the novel “All the Pretty Horses” by Cormac McCarthy is a coming of age story about a young man who initially set out to make a life for himself in a land that wasn’t so industrialized and in turn grew up and lost his innocence. John Grady was a young, naïve 16-year-old who was unhappy with the way “his” country was changing, so he set off with his friend Rawlins on a quest to find a place he wanted to call home. John Grady had child-like ideations that, while he couldn’t find the…