When I arrived at the training grounds, everyone were in groups talking amongst themselves. I walk up infront of everyone, clearing my throat to get everyone's attention. “Sorry to disappoint you cheerleaders, but Ethan couldn't make it so let's get to work to get it over with, shall we?” I say with authority laced in my voice. “Today we are working in our wolf forms so shift and follow my lead. Have your mindlink open incase I try to contact y’all.” I command shifting into my wolf. It has been awhile since I shifted into my wolf, she has been begging to get out. My wolf Lacy was beautiful, she is while all over with black lightly on top of her fur on some parts, but darker on others like her face. I set down by the entrance to the woods and wait for the…
Forward: When Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was spying on us in 2012, I expected people to be outraged. I expected a massive public backlash that would lead to reform. By and large, the public’s reaction has been underwhelming. For one reason or another, government surveillance is a topic that many people don’t know about or don’t talk about. I’ve talked to people about surveillance before, and many of them were unaware of key details about it. Some were simply unaware that government…
2005, a man by the name of Markus Eddins was persuaded by a friend to apply to Hooters as a cook. They immediately hired him and he was then a cook for the next five years. For the first couple of years he was content with his position, but during his fifth year there, he began wanting more. After threatening to quit, Hooters then promoted Markus to being a key holder. As a key holder, you are known…
focus on someone or something involving a lock and a key while expressing an emotion. This project wasn’t a solo project, but instead involved working with one other person. The lock and key could be metaphoric or literal and from that concept we had to tell a story in twelve to fifteen shots. Our idea was to convey a young musician finding the right “key” on his guitar and “unlock” the excitement (which was our assigned emotion) inside of him. I believe the project turned out successfully in…
1.2. Previous Work The first symmetric key schemes for keyword search over encrypted data are proposed in [27]. The authors consider a setting in which the sender of file encrypts each word of a file separately. Goh [15] proposed a method for secure index using Bloom filters and introduced the notion of semantic security against adaptive chosen-keyword attacks. Determining whether a file contains a keyword can be done securely in constant time. In the public key setting, Boneh et al.[5] first…
The High Five Messages Change Is Constant In the game My Personal GPS, I had to guide an avatar through a series of games that tested my learning skills and work habits. At the end of the level, you either passed and were awarded a key, or failed and had to retry the game. For some of these games, I didn 't receive a key on my first try and had to repeat the level until my skills matched my evaluation. This caused me to have to rethink my avatar’s actions and adapt to the different situations I…
Security is very essential to you as a homeowner. You need to optimize the security of your home as homeowner. There are many ways through which you can optimize the security of your home. Some of those ways include: installing electric gates in your home, fencing and so on. Did you know that keyless entry locks can help in optimizing the security of your home? Most homeowners have installed these locks in their homes. You will realize that burglars normally have evil motives of stealing your…
Score Matching (PSM) provides the service providers with constructive and experimental methodologies for evaluating impact of the Professional Training Corps (PTCs). Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identified in such trials can help evaluate the effectiveness of the courses more effectively, especially considering the heterogeneous nature of the population. • PFS projects are multi-year, multi-party performance based contract and, hence, are required to be treated as such. The construction…
delegation, status quo bias, inaction inertia, and option fixation are directly tied to electing decision sidestepping as a form of decision making to achieve closure in person highly motivated for an end result. Mentioned choices coincide with a notion that are directly tied to norm, a prior decision, or a credible source. Research articles findings suggest that indeed there is a strong correlation between decision sidestepping and motivation to achieve closure. 1 What are the key issues…
He held the object in his hands and slowly turned it over. In the back, he found a note from his wife who died three weeks ago. The note read, “Under the bed there is a shoe box that contains a key to unlock the object on the floor.” The man stood and put the object on his chair and went to search under the bed as the note promised. He found the key inside the shoe box just as the note said. He went back to the object and put the key in the lock. Once he opened it there was another note that…