In both songs Carter and James both talk of women in their lyrics. In “Devil Got My Woman” James sings of being “that woman man”, how she “changed her mind”, how he “loved that woman…took her from [his] best friend”, but “he stoled her back again.” Carter wrote, “common boogie with me baby…got a letter from my baby…cause my sweet lovin baby is coming home today” His baby is what makes him so happy that he wants to rock awhile. These two women are a focal point of each of their songs. …show more content…
They both use repeating lines in every verse. In “Devil Got My Woman” the first line is repeated in each stanza “I'd rather be the devil, to be that woman man…I'd rather be the devil, to be that woman man” (lines 1&2 v.1). “I laid down last night…I laid down last night” (lines 5&6 v.2). “The woman I love…Woman I loved” (lines 9&10 v.3). In “Rock Awhile” Carter does the same with each of his stanzas, “Feeling good this morning, I feel like I want to rock awhile” (lines 1&2 v.1), “Throw away my troubles and throw away my blues” (lines 4 & 5 v.2), “Feeling good this morning it’s time to go out and play” (lines 7&8