Many believe jealousy to be harmless, a common emotion that everyone feels. However, jealousy is a powerful emotion containing the ability to alter the mental state of man. The role of jealousy in William Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello exposes the deceptive nature of the human mind, and in addition characterizes the relationship between trust and jealousy. Cipriani, Gabriele, et al. "Dangerous Passion: Othello Syndrome And Dementia." Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 66.6 (2012): 467-473. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Oct. 2015. The article discusses pathological jealousy as being a symptom in dementia patients. Dementia is a mental illness; Othello is not mentioned to have a mental illness in the play, in fact he is a well-respected warrior. The article assumes that in order to become as jealous as Othello, one would need to be mentally unstable. By comparing Othello to that of whom is mentally ill, it strengthens the idea that he is not thinking in his own mind. He is overtaken by jealousy and is no longer thinking with a sane mind, proving that he has become manipulated by his own emotions because of his lacking trust of Desdemona and firm assurance in Iago. I plan to use several short quotes from the article that…
Fear of being replaced According to (Davis, 1936) “Descartes declares jealousy as a kind of fear related to a desire to preserve a possession.” Or else known as property. Property is a fixed amount of rights, obligations, and agreements. In a relationship each should feel as though their significant others is their property. Other example is they should feel as they only get to experience/share special characteristics of that other person. Jealousy arises when their property is threatened. This…
Jealousy is defined as a negative emotional reaction to a real or imagined threat to a relationship. We’ve all experienced it at one point or another during our life. As a child, we may have had the “green-eyed monster” when we felt that someone was trying to “steal” our mom’s attention from us. As an adolescent, we may had experienced jealousy when we saw our crush talking to another girl. As an adult, we may had experience jealousy when we notice that our partner/husband has a pretty…
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines jealousy as “a jealous disposition, attitude, or feeling” or “zealous vigilance” (Jealousy). At the same time, it is often noted that Shakespeare’s definition of jealous could describe “a more general state of watchfulness or fearfulness” (Nordlund). In other words, jealousy is simultaneously an attitude and an action. Both of these definitions accurately describe Iago’s behavior throughout Othello. Iago himself warns Othello against jealousy, saying “Oh,…
In Kant’s Jealousy, Malice, and Ingratitude he writes that there are two methods by which men arrive at an opinion of their worth, by comparing themselves with the idea of perfection and by comparing themselves with others. Kant favors the first comparison over the latter suggesting that by comparing ourselves to perfect it is a constant and therefore we can move ourselves closer by improvement. In comparing ourselves to others however, this is not a constant in that there are many variables…
play Othello, jealousy is a theme that impacts Othello enough to murder his own wife Desdemona. Othello did not show any signs of jealousy at first and and he was aware of Desdemona's friendship with Cassio. He wasn't jealous until Iago starts manipulating his ideas. He implants ideas into Othello's head which makes him think differently. Jealousy is present throughout the play of Othello and displays the dangerous effects on the characters. Shakespeare demonstrates how powerful jealousy is and…
play revolving around the effect that jealousy has over people . In Othello, Othello has married his true love Desdemona, but after listening to the lies of Iago, he begins to believe that Desdemona has been unfaithful. In a series of events, Othello becomes convinced Desdemona was not true to him and tragically murders her. Othello killed his wife Desdemona because he felt jealous and betrayed, he let his emotions get in the way of his responsibilities, and in turn highlighted the evil effects…
Jealousy, whatever it may be driven by, can produce many different actions in a person depending on their desires. Othello craftly examines a few examples of these with highly contrasting characters driven by vastly different things. The different manifestations of jealousy in said characters can be analysed through the characters of Roderigo, Othello, and Iago. Rodrigo’s character serves as an example of true jealousy over love, rather as a facade to cover-up another motivation, as seen with…
Gary Allen once said, “you can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars” ( Jealousy nothing more than love and hate at the same time has ridden the world of relationships since the beginning of time. In the Bible Josephs brother were jealous of him, sold him into slavery, and which allowed him to become a king and metaphorically gave him the last laugh. Sometimes jealousy occurs in the hearts of people because they seem inferior or when someone superior feels threatened by…
feel, but cannot express to people because we are scared to be judged, not taken seriously, trusted or laughed at. It exists in everyone and some may choose to hide it and others may express it the way they please, regardless of being judged. There are occasions where if we hide emotions for too long and avoid it, it may start to build up inside. Once it starts to burst out, we will not have the capacity to control it. That is our nature as humans. We all have emotions that cannot be avoided and…