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    loneliness the speaker feels while at sea. Though the speaker feels these emotions, he is passionate about what he is doing, and will continue his journey. Interpolations also occur through the end of the story which causes the speaker to change how he views his exile. In the first section, the speaker introduces his emotions through his word choice while on his present adventure. However, he tries to seek "comfort"(25) while he is crashing through the great sea with his emotions full of "sorrow"(15). Though he has been through many "hardships"(10), hunger tears at his "sea-weary soul"(12). The speaker is torn between what he…

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    Radiometric Reflection

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    • 5 Pages

    ArcGIS 10. 3. subsequently, summarized LU/LC, NDVI and LST map data were analyzed using excel. Zonal statistics as table is one of important methods that used to examine the correlation between LULC and LST. Spatial interpolation Spatial interpolation is the procedure of using points with known values to evaluate values at other unknown points. For instance, to map rainfall and temperature of given area based up on nearby weather station. In present study, meteorological data was used to…

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    Meteorology Research Paper

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    A major part of data assimilation is data initialization. This includes “smoothing out” errors in data that will be put into the numerical weather models, which will lead to better forecasts. Another big aspect of data assimilation is the interpolation of data. Interpolation involves placing irregular data onto a regular spaced grid by mathematically adjusting the data. In other words, interpolation creates evenly spaced data, even if the raw observations are very irregular. Interpolation…

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  • Improved Essays

    Andersen, the author of The Elihu Speeches: There Place and Sense in the Book of Job, examines the arguments of the critics who claim that the Elihu speeches are later interpolations, while simultaneously presenting the arguments of those, who like himself, argue that the Elihu speeches are original text in the book of Job. According to Andersen, Matthias Heinrich Stuhlmann, a Lutheran preacher, was the first person to include an argument against the originality of the Elihu speeches in his…

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  • Improved Essays

    Thermogram for the first standardisation run with benzoic acid. The red line of best fit has the gradient 4.286x10-5 K s-1 with 95% confidence bounds 1.047x10-5 and 7.524x10-5. The green line is found by interpolation of the data. The blue line of best fit has the gradient 2.727x10-5 K s-1 with 95% confidence bounds 4.537x10-6 and 5.001x10-5. The t60 for figure 1 is 383.5 seconds. The time the ignition occurred was 300 seconds and the temperature of the bomb was 291.43 K. The maximum temperature…

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    • 8 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Layerwise Laminate theory has been developed by Reddy [Red1984] that provides a framework upon which any of the displacement-based, two-dimensional laminate theories can be derived. Based on this work, a layerwise shell theory that is capable of modeling three-dimensional kinematics in shells has been developed by Reddy [Red1992]. The Layerwise Shell Theory of Reddy (LWST) gives an accurate description of the displacement field. The three-dimensional displacement field is expanded as a function…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    terms are contained in the document citep{ManningEtaAl2008}. In order to tackle such deficits, an effective smoothing approach is needed to balance the non-zero probabilities as weighting component and give a bit probability to unseen terms to avoid the zero probability of terms citep{zhai2004tois}. Several smoothing methods have been proposed. One of the simplest approaches is to combine the query and document language models in a linear smoothed interpolation function (or Jelinek-Mercer…

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    • 4 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    Thermoelectric Effect Essay

    • 3248 Words
    • 13 Pages

    transport is known to degrade the heat flowing.2) Generally, the S for a semiconductor material can be defined by two contributions, the carrier diffusion Se and the phonon-drag Sph.7) It is known that Si has a large Sph as well as a high Se near room temperature, whereas Sph is very small in Ge. The reason is that in the middle and high temperature regions the phonon-drag effect strongly depends on temperature and is not significant. However, the physical origin for the variation in phonon-drag…

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    Filioque Controversy

    • 255 Words
    • 2 Pages

    It was also a cultural issue, as the culture of the West remained more Latin while the East became more Greek. Language incomprehension led to more cultural dissonance. It makes me wonder, if the language wasn’t such a big barrier, would the split still had occurred only on the basis of authoritative struggle and differences in religious practices? It also makes me grasp its connection to Filioque. The linguistic differences associated with the Estrangement of the East and West Christendom…

    • 255 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) method was used to interpolate climate characteristics at station level to spatial grids, generating both the interpolated value and the standard error estimation at each grid point. It is a localized regression based method widely used for spatial interpolation, accounting for the spatial inhomogeneity with spatially varying slopes and intercepts. At each prediction location, the GWR picks up nearby training data points and constructs a weighted…

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